Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2015
@stormer9k I found a photo of Saargon on his facebook
— Ben Garrison (@BenCartoons1488) June 12, 2015
Yesterday, I brutally attacked Sargon of Akkad for having claimed it was immoral to not allow millions of Moslems and Africans to come to Europe to live on welfare, destroy everything and rape kids. I asked that Sargon explain his “morality” argument, which I have asserted is a completely meaningless appeal to emotion. Instead of attempting to explain what I asked him to explain, Sargon took to Twitter to continue to defend Paki rape gangs – even though my article was related to the core concept of mass immigration, and Sargon’s defense of it.
These tweets are all from after I posted my article yesterday.
.@RatAttack2015 @FishOfTheKink @stormer9k Like @Sargon_of_Akkad , he needs to stick to #GamerGate. Race and culture are issues for adults.
— Azzmador (@RealAzzmador) June 11, 2015
@RealAzzmador @RatAttack2015 @FishOfTheKink @stormer9k Let me know when you guys qualify as adults, then.
— Sargon of Akkad (@Sargon_of_Akkad) June 11, 2015
.@Sargon_of_Akkad @RatAttack2015 @FishOfTheKink @stormer9k Give us something better than snark Sargon. I can prove my case with stats.
— Azzmador (@RealAzzmador) June 11, 2015
@RealAzzmador @RatAttack2015 @FishOfTheKink @stormer9k You can misinterpret stats to confirm your bias, you mean.
— Sargon of Akkad (@Sargon_of_Akkad) June 11, 2015
See, @Sargon_of_Akkad is stuck in his feels! He discounts my argument before hearing it! Cultist! @RatAttack2015 @FishOfTheKink @stormer9k
— Azzmador (@RealAzzmador) June 11, 2015
Sargon then begins arguing that if he can find one White person who abused kids (Jimmy Savile), it then justifies thousands of Pakis and other immigrants doing it to possibly millions of girls.
@RealAzzmador @RatAttack2015 @FieldMarshalWh2 @stormer9k God the butt-hurt is palpable. Still convinced white people don’t do that, eh?
— Sargon of Akkad (@Sargon_of_Akkad) June 11, 2015
When did I say they never do it?It’s a matter of proportion Sargon. @Sargon_of_Akkad @RatAttack2015 @FieldMarshalWh2 @stormer9k
— Azzmador (@RealAzzmador) June 11, 2015
@RealAzzmador @RatAttack2015 @FieldMarshalWh2 @stormer9k Oh now it’s about proportion! Those goalposts keep moving!
— Sargon of Akkad (@Sargon_of_Akkad) June 11, 2015
No, Sargon. The goalpost was always: “less Pakis equals less child-rape, it is insane to allow children to be raped just to justify an immigration program designed to destroy Western civilization.” Saying that Jimmy Savile abused some girls means that we should import Pakis to abuse girls is clear lunacy. A position which can easily be dismissed on the face of it as completely deranged. It is on par with his claim that if Paki gangs wouldn’t have raped these girls, White British men would have formed rape gangs and raped the same exact girls. And what’s more, this is not the point. It is just more obfuscation. What we are asking is that Sargon justify the concept of mass immigration, not that he justify the rapes Pakis commit after they’ve immigrated.
It ould only be moving the goalposts if I had said Whites never do it. @Sargon_of_Akkad @RatAttack2015 @FieldMarshalWh2 @stormer9k
— Azzmador (@RealAzzmador) June 11, 2015
You’re playing #SJW buzzword bingo. Shocking how weak you are. @Sargon_of_Akkad @RatAttack2015 @FieldMarshalWh2 @stormer9k
— Azzmador (@RealAzzmador) June 11, 2015
@RealAzzmador @RatAttack2015 @FieldMarshalWh2 @stormer9k So whites and non-whites form paedo rape gangs, we’re bothered about the scale?
— Sargon of Akkad (@Sargon_of_Akkad) June 11, 2015
This is reminiscent of the time Sargon accused Serbians of sex trafficking that was done by Albanians.
No Whites formed rape gangs. Individual Whites, who all happen to be in positions of highly corrupt power structures, have abused kids. Saying that this is the same as organized trafficking gangs is pure gibberish, just as it is gibberish to say that if some girls are already getting raped we might as well allow it to happen to millions more.
That sort of thinking could only originate from a very sick mind.
Why is Sargon So Obsessed with Defending Paki Child Trafficking Gangs?
Apparently, he feels if he is capable of justifying drugging, gang-raping and trafficking little girls, then he has successfully justified the concept of mass immigration.
Alas, child sex trafficking gangs are only one of a plethora of problems with mass immigration, and even if Sargon is capable of formulating an argument which makes Paki child sex trafficking okay, he has still failed to justify the concept of mass immigration.

He has previously used social justice arguments about how the plight of non-White countries is our fault, and how it is now our duty to educate them. How they will be just the same as us if we can do our White duty and get them the learning they need. He might again attempt to explain how despite completely different biology which has resulted from completely variant evolutionary processes, and undeniable physiological differences, all races are exactly the same. However, once again, even if he is able to create a sound argument explaining that there are no genetic differences between genetically different groups, he has still failed to justify the logical or – as he prefers – “moral” basis of mass immigration.
He must be freaking out now. There is no word game he can play here. He has backed himself into a corner with word games already and the solution to a problem caused by word games is not more word games.
Justify your assertion of moral superiority over people opposed to mass immigration into Europe. You clearly lack the nerve to claim this somehow benefits us, so explain how it is anything other than suicidal masochism to support an invasion which destroys us, Sargon, or surrender your base.
Please, Continue the Assault
Sargon continues to retreat, and I have reports that he is even blocking people who question his obsessive defense of Pakistani child-rapists.
Please continue to question him on this issue. If you don’t have a Twitter account then get one.
Try not to get bogged down in his word games. You can argue endlessly about whether or not a couple of White people raping kids makes it okay for tens of thousands of immigrants to be brought into the country to rape kids. Return the exchange with Sargon and his followers back to the core concept of mass immigration and how it is justified. If they use a moral argument (it’s the only one they can possibly use at this point), ask them what form of morality entails sacrificing your own children to give free things to people from other countries.
This prevents squirming, which is the core technique of Sargon’s pro-immigration, pro-child rape arguments.
Try to avoid name-calling. Sargon is obsessed with name-calling, and if you refrain, it makes him look even more pathetic. Calling him out as overweight, however, is relevant, as it speaks to his dangerously low testosterone levels which lead him into a sexual obsession with mass cuckoldry (clearly, support of immigrant rapists is a form of true cuckoldry on a mass scale, so calling him out as a cuck his not name-calling but just a statement of fact).
The agenda should be to keep him on the defensive. He is the one who is defending mass immigration and for whatever reason continually retreating to a place where he is justifying child sex trafficking in order to defend immigration. It is impossible for him to escape the fact that he called us “immoral” for trying to prevent child rape and the destruction of Western civilization.
Also, it looks silly to accuse him of being non-White, given both that in the video available of him he is clearly White and that so many other fat White SJW cucks support his same positions. I advise you to avoid this argument, as it merely weakens our position.
Also, attach this picture to every message you send him:
Yes, This is Worth the Time
I don’t want to hear anyone saying this isn’t worth the time. That is pure nonsense. What we are doing is creating a massive public spectacle where all of our points are proved correct.
As it stands presently, “it’s the right thing to do” is considered the go-to response for those trying to justify immigration. After this is over, no one outside of the mainstream will dare use “morality” to justify mass immigration or child trafficking because they will understand that this argument has already been defeated.
The metaphorical public execution of Sargon of Cuckad could not be more valuable to our cause.