Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2015

The entire leadership of the world, including the leaders of Moslem countries, gathered in Paris on Sunday to stand with France against the cartoon killers – however, one top Moslem leader refused to condemn the attacks: Barack Obama.
The African Occupation Dictator of America did not even bother to send a card or a basket of fresh fruits – no, not even a can of mixed nuts from this ultimate jihadist – instead, with his absence, the African warlord sent a clear “Allah curse you filthy French for defaming the Prophet, may peace be upon him mashallah allahu.”

What is Obama’s next move? Will he bomb Paris in support of the jihadists like he did to Libya when his comrades took that base? Or will he bide his time, continuing to fund Sunni radicals to put the slow kill on the French nation? Maybe he’ll just grab a bucket of KFC and a 40oz and head to the beach.
The Jewish Secretary of State, John Kerry, who is also an avid supporter of Moslems murdering Frenchmen, made a statement in response to the world’s shock over Obama failing to attend.
He spoke from India, where he claimed to be at some summit for Indian businesses.
The U.S. has been deeply engaged with the people of France since this incident occurred,” Kerry told reporters, adding that the United States has offered intelligence and law enforcement help.
This is sort of quibbling a little bit in the sense that our assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was there and marched, our ambassador was there and marched, many people from the embassy were there and marched.
As basically everyone else in the world went, including British part-Jew David Cameron, Dog-faced German Bizarro-Hitler Angela Merkel, King of the Jews Bibi Netanyahu, Palestinian Shill Mahmoud Abbas and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the absence of any top world leader is being universally read as a sign of American hatred of the French nation, though not all are picking up on the fact that the Obama administration actively supports terrorism in all forms.

And to the defenders of Islam who would say “oh but Obama isn’t a Moslem, he’s a puppet of the Jews” – he is still a person with an agenda, and he is completely incompetent at being a Jew puppet due to his monkey-level IQ and Negro emotions. He obviously does love Islam, he is constantly praising it for no reason anyone can explain, and he apparently was at one point an actual practicing Moslem.
He isn’t getting daily orders from Jews, he is just a part of an entire Jew system – I don’t think a Jew called him up and was like “don’t go to this Paris rally and don’t send anyone there, just to piss everyone off on purpose.” He had to have known that all of these leaders were going to be there and then purposefully decided that he would skip out.

I’ll admit I was having a bit of fun above, but look – it wasn’t like he had some serious business to attend to – it wasn’t even like he was on one of his “never-ending summer” vacations. He was in Tennessee giving a speech on job growth. I would be surprised if Kerry called him up like “bro if you don’t wanna do it I better go to this thing in Paris.” He would have had to have told him not to go.
Maybe the statement is not “I support these attacks,” but there is some statement being made by this. It can’t just be some accident or a result of Black idiocy.