Daily Stormer
May 22, 2015

By pure coincidence, the countries with the highest Jew populations have the greatest income inequality in the developed world.
A report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development says the US and Israel are the most unfair of the allegedly civilized nations.
The OECD found that the gap between rich and poor is at record levels in most of its 34 member countries. But the U.S. and Israel stood out from the pack.
In the U.S., the richest 10% of the population earn 16.5 times the income of the poorest 10%. In Israel, the richest 10% earn 15 times that of the poorest.
That compares with the average ratio of 9.6 times across the OECD.
Data from 2012 shows that among 18 member nations, the top 10% of households controlled half of all wealth, while the bottom 40% owned just 3%.
Based on the top 5%, the U.S. has the widest wealth gap. These households own nearly 91 times the wealth of the average.
Both the U.S. and Israel have seen inequality grow faster in part because of comparatively low spending on social programs and benefits, said Mark Pearson, the author of the 330-page report. Other countries, such as France, are better at redistributing wealth using taxes and benefits, he said.
Israel also has problems with encouraging women to enter the workforce, which can prevent poor families from getting ahead, said Pearson.
“There’s a [long] way to go in Israel to get the female employment rates higher,” he said, noting that religious and cultural factors have kept many women at home.
The report shows that having strong female participation in the workforce, and smaller gender pay gaps, can help make a country more equal.
“More women in work really does seem to have an effect on inequality. It reduce[s] inequality,” said Pearson.
Who would have thought that the Jews, who invented social justice, would be so racist and anti-feminist in their own countries? Who would have thought that they would refuse to offer social services for their gigantic population of brown people?
I just can’t figure it out.