Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2014

A day after MSNBC called people who want to stop air travel from Ebola ridden countries “racist,” we can report that a leftist magazine is calling the entire issue of not wanting to get infected with a deadly African virus “racist.” The article, published in the verge, is titled “Ebola panic is getting pretty racist,” and begins with a picture of Jesse Jackson with his “shame on a cracka fer holdin a nigga down” face on.
Written by the confirmed dyke and possible Jewess Arielle Duhaime-Ross, the article presents a conspiracy theory that it is cuts to the public health budget that have caused the Ebola cases in Western nations, rather than travel from Ebola-ridden African nations.

This theory – if one can even call it that – is clearly retarded on the face of it. If you were spending 60 trillion dollars an hour on health care, it would be of absolutely no use if you allowed people from infected zones to travel freely. Conversely, if you were spending absolute zero on health care, you could still keep the virus out of Western countries if you simply disallowed travel from infected countries.
But liberals – who tend to always be sexual degenerates, drug users, weirdos or subhuman non-Whites – have a deep-rooted desire to completely destroy Western civilization, and obviously, a devastating virus is a good method of accomplishing this goal. They will look for any excuse to push through this destruction agenda – it doesn’t have to make any sense.
The article assumes that Whites have a duty to allow infected Africans into their countries, and if they don’t – or even consider not doing it – it is because they hate Blacks and want to make them suffer for no reason.
The dyke invokes the idiot conspiracy theory of “White Privilege,” claiming that Blacks are being abused in Dallas by people thinking they have Ebola, while also admitting that it is only African Blacks who are suffering the alleged abuse – meaning that this “racism” is simply logical, and has nothing to do with the “hating people for the color of skin,” but simply a desire not to be infected with a deadly virus.
She writes:
Yesterday, The Raw Story wrote about how immigrants living in the same neighborhood as Duncan’s family were facing immense discrimination. Some have been turned away from their jobs, David Edwards writes, while others have been refused service in restaurants. The color of their skin and their accents makes them a target, even though they never came into contact with Duncan, and therefore pose zero risk. It doesn’t matter: they’re dark-skinned and foreign. They’re in Dallas. They might be infectious.
Because obviously, a refusal to put ones life at risk is a form of racism. Just like it is racist to want to avoid a crime-ridden neighborhood if that neighborhood is Black. Because of alleged historical oppression, White people have an obligation to put their lives at risk in order to increase the chances Blacks will not have their feelings hurt.
She then mourns the #Obloa posts on Twitter, implying that hate-filled racists are only against Obama’s policy of allowing free travel from Ebola infected countries because they hate the color of his skin.

She finishes the article by saying that all attempts to contain the virus are racist, and that mass death in White countries is nothing compared to the possibility to hurting the feelings of Blacks.
We’re playing catch-up, and the CDC is optimistic. But when people spend more energy on dehumanizing individuals in Dallas than on urging politicians to help the people of Liberia and Sierra Leone, we all lose out.
What does it mean? How do we “lose out” by protecting our own people – and ourselves as individuals – from a deadly virus, rather than spending billions on trying to help African savages who won’t even pick up the supplies from the dock, won’t even pick up the infected bodies lying in the streets of their cities?
What, specifically, do we lose by not helping these people, dyke?
I am certain you are reading this. Why don’t you go ahead and explain it to me. Why don’t you present us evil White racists, who want to protect ourselves from an apocalyptic disease, with a bullet point of all that we will lose by quarantining Africa and allowing the disease to run its course?
You obviously think you’ve got balls – why don’t you man-up and explain these insane statements, dyke?