“Worst Call Yet” – Trump Rages at Australia Over Vile Monkey Transfer Plot

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2017

So the Australians tried to cuck us.

They planned to send unwanted monkeys to America, and Obama was just like “oh yes sure no probs we are totally trying to maximize the number of unassimilable non-white welfare parasites in our country, so please just give us all you have.”

But President Trump is like – AYO – no dice, fam.


U.S. President Donald Trump labeled a refugee swap deal with Australia “dumb” on Thursday after a Washington Post report of an acrimonious telephone call with Australia’s prime minister threatened a rare rift in ties between the two staunch allies.

The Post reported that Trump described the resettlement plan as “the worst deal ever” and accused Australia of trying to export the “next Boston bombers”. It said the call had been scheduled to last an hour but Trump cut it short after 25 minutes when Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tried to turn to subjects such as Syria.

Turnbull told reporters the call with Trump at the weekend had been frank and candid but refused to give further details.

“I do stand up for Australia. My job is to defend Australian interests,” Turnbull said in Melbourne.

And “Australian interests” mean sending a bunch of invasive brown people to America.

What does that tell you?

I mean, I get that Oz is trying to get rid of these people. I respect that. And Obama was an easy shill to push them on.

But seriously, the game has changed, and we’re not taking these disease units of terror.

If Australia wants rid of them, they can send them home, or they can just gas them or drown them in buckets or whatever.

They’re not our problem.

Turnbull refused to confirm the Post report that Trump, who had earlier spoken to world leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, had angrily told him that the call was “the worst so far”.

Political analysts said such acrimony was unprecedented, surpassing even the difficult relations between former U.S. President Richard Nixon and then Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, who pulled Australian troops out of the Vietnam War.

“Even that was always done in the language of foreign policy niceties,” said Harry Phillips, a political analyst of 40 years experience at Edith Cowan and Curtin universities in Perth.

As reports of the conversation hit headlines on both sides of the world, Trump tweeted shortly before midnight in Washington: “Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal.”

Don’t you just love being an American right now?

Does it not feel comfy x6 million?