Worst-Ever Korea Threatens to Assassinate Great Hero Kim Jong Un

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2016


Just so we’re clear here, the US is obliged to join in if South Korea starts a war of aggression with the peaceful North.


This should calm tensions on the Korean peninsula. Asked in parliament on Wednesday whether South Korea had a plan in place to take out North Korean leader Kim Jong Un should the need arise, the country’s defense minister didn’t beat around the bush. “Yes, we do have such a plan,” Han Min-koo replied, per CNN, which called the response “candid” and surprising to some. “If it becomes clear the enemy is moving to attack the South with nuclear missile, in order to suppress its aims, the concept [of the special forces] is to destroy key figures and areas [that] include the North Korean leadership,” Han said, per Korea Times.

CNN reports this special forces unit is already assembled, but other reports suggest it’s still a concept. UPI reports Han also said the country needs half-a-million active-duty soldiers in order to fend off a hypothetical attack from the North, which has 1.2 million. In an appearance before the UN General Assembly on Thursday, South Korea’s foreign minister questioned North Korea’s fitness to be a “peace-loving UN member.” This is notable, reports the Korea Times, in that the South has not officially spoken out against the North’s membership in the 15 years the North has had it. The country “is totally ridiculing the authority of the General Assembly and the Security Council,” Yun Byung-se said.

It is an insane arrangement we have with all of these “allies.”

They can literally go start a war, and we have to rush in as their saviors. Our people have to die.

North Korea has the ability to nuke America. At least Alaska. And we are backing up a country that is not our own country that is aggressively provoking a leader who has done nothing wrong.

Seriously – no one can say what this guy did. They just say “oh bad because no democracy,” and then come up with crazy skin lampshade-tier lies about his country.

Why would anyone be this stupid?

It’s almost like our country is being run by people who hate America…

jewish question