Worst Korea: Constitutional Court Orders Government to Change the Weather

Some of the plaintiffs were literal infants 

Previously: UN Demands “Massive” Amounts of Money to Prevent Pacific Countries from Sinking Into the Ocean

These global organizations will just come into your country with a bunch of money and start passing the money out for people to brainwash women into becoming outraged and demanding things.

It’s very cheap for these global organizations in the long run.

This is why you have to have mass censorship if you don’t want your politics controlled by the stupidest possible gibberish from America.

It’s why China and Russia have censorship on the internet, and why every country that doesn’t censor the internet – see the problems in Venezuela – is headed for big trouble.

If you’re a nation, you have to have autonomy. You can’t just let these global organizations come in and hijack your population.


South Korea’s government has been told they must be more specific in how they will meet their 2049 climate goals.

The ruling comes off the back of four climate cases raised by 254 plaintiffs, one of whom was an unborn baby when the case was filed.

An unborn baby filed the case?

I don’t mean to be rude, but what does an unborn baby know about… weather science?

It represents a partial victory for climate campaigners who say the country’s failure to cut emissions faster is a violation of their human rights.

On Thursday, South Korea’s Constitutional Court ordered the government to back its climate goals with more concrete plans for action between now and 2049.

The court did not require South Korea’s government to set up a more ambitious 2030 target under its carbon neutrality act and also rejected the plaintiffs’ calls for more specific plans to ensure implementation, saying that they failed to demonstrate that the policy was unconstitutional.

However, the court did uphold the plaintiffs’ argument that the country needed to establish plans for cutting emissions between 2031 and 2049 and ordered the government to modify its carbon neutrality law by 28 February 2026, to include such plans.

The court, which weighs the constitutionality of laws, issued the assessment while ruling on four climate cases raised by 254 plaintiffs, including many young people who were children or teenagers when they began filing the complaints against the government and lawmakers in 2020.

They argued that South Korea’s current goal of cutting carbon emissions by 35 per cent from 2018 levels by 2030 is inadequate to manage the impact of climate change and that such objectives weren’t backed by sufficient implementation plans.

They also pointed out that the country has yet to establish plans to reduce carbon emissions after 2031, despite its outstanding goals of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

The plaintiffs claimed that South Korea’s allegedly lax climate policies violate their human rights by leaving them vulnerable to future deteriorations in the environment and climate-related harm.

Global warming is not only the stupidest hoax ever, but it is the stupidest hoax that is even possible.

It is literally: “you have to completely upend the entire order of civilization… because of this graph we made.”

There is no evidence for these theories. It’s all just made up.

The weather is getting a little bit warmer. It’s been getting warmer for thousands of years.

But go back and look. They originally said it was going to get colder.

Then they switched it, because they realized saying it was going to get warmer would track with thousands of years of warming and the fact that the planet is at the end of an ice age.

Carbon dioxide is not causing the change in weather. It’s stupid.

I heard you like graphs.

Look at this graph:

The greenhouse effect is a tiny fraction of what determines the weather. And 99.7% of the greenhouse gases are natural. Manmade greenhouse gases are statistically negligible, even if you believed the greenhouse effect drove weather patterns, which no one believes.

The heat of the Sun fluctuates and the orbit of the Earth around the Sun changes, which causes 12,000-year-long cycles of warming and cooling. We happen to be at the end of one of the cold cycles and entering into a warmer cycle.

As recently as the 1970s, they were talking about “a new ice age” because they knew they wanted to blame the weather, but hadn’t zoomed in on the specifics.

This is all very simple. You have to be a real believer in everything the media says to buy into this, which is why at all these anti-weather protests, you see armies of women.