Worthless Black Monster on Deathrow May be Charged with Murder After White Woman He Paralyzed Ends Up Dead

Daily Commercial
February 10, 2015

Marishia Scott was left a quadriplegic after the Black monster pointlessly shot her during a bank robbery.

Lake County prosecutors are trying to determine whether to add murder charges to a man already on death row after a bank teller he left paralyzed by gunshots in 1999 died this week.

Marishia Scott was left a quadriplegic in the robbery and shooting at the United Southern Bank in Mount Dora that left another teller dead.

Scott, of Leesburg, died Wednesday, according to an obituary received by the Daily Commercial on Friday. She was 41.

Fred Anderson Jr. was convicted of first-degree murder in the March 20, 1999, death of 39-year-old teller Heather Young and sentenced to death.

Assistant State Attorney Rich Buxman recently replaced the now-retired prosecutor in the case, Bill Gross. Buxman said Friday that in light of Scott’s death, his office is trying to come up with some more answers before deciding whether to file additional charges against Anderson.

“We’re looking into the case,” said Buxman, who said he couldn’t release any more details on what his office is trying to determine.

Fred Anderson is already on death row for killing the other bank teller.

According to officials, Anderson had pretended to be a college student doing a research paper on banking in order to scout the bank’s security system on March 19. He had noticed the bank’s surveillance video cassette recorder on bank manager’s Allen Seabrook’s desk.

Scott and Young were the only employees on duty when Anderson walked into the bank the following day to thank the employees for help with the research paper — only to draw a pair of stolen guns, herd the women into the bank vault and order them to fill a trash bag with cash.

At some point, he fired shots with two .22-caliber handguns.

Young was pronounced dead at the scene from multiple gunshot wounds. Scott was left paralyzed from a single bullet which lodged near her spine.

Heather Jane Young was murdered at the time of the robbery.