Wouldn’t It be Cheaper Just to Send Them Back to Africa?

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
June 5, 2016

Wouldn’t it just cheaper…?


A few years ago, 83 percent black Detroit was awarded $850 million to remove blighted homes… you know, the visible reminder of what happens to a civilization whites build and blacks inherit via white flight (from black crime).


A one-way ticket would be much cheaper than the never-ending struggle to remove the blight blacks continuously create out of white civilization in Detroit

Earlier this year, the city got another $42 million to fight the uniquely black creation of blighted homes (where when white people occupied them, civilization flourished and necessary upkeep to the homes kept them appreciating in value), which saw black contractors fighting over being awarded some of the funds.

Hilariously, Detroit received another $130 million in blight removal from U.S. Treasury earlier this year.

All of this to remove dilapidated homes blighted by black people, who make up 83 percent of the Detroit population.

Why not some more funds? [Detroit gets another $88M to aid in blight fight, Detroit News, June 1, 2016]:

Detroit’s getting another $88 million for its blight fight, while a $17.6 million boost is on the way for Flint, state housing officials said Wednesday.

The U.S. Treasury Department approved the allocation plan under its Hardest Hit Fund program. In total, Michigan was awarded $188.1 million in federal blight dollars in April as part of the latest round of funding.

Besides Detroit and Flint, $11.7 million in blight funds will be sent to other communities through a competitive application process, officials said. Other dollars will be directed toward foreclosure prevention and homeowner assistance.

“The strategic use of these dollars will greatly benefit Michigan homeowners and strengthen communities, resulting in positive progress for people across the state,” Gov. Rick Snyder said in a statement.

Cities with a population of less than 50,000 will be able to apply for awards ranging from $250,000 to $1 million. Others can apply for $1 million to $5 million.

“In putting together the plan, we placed a priority on using the majority of funds in the areas of greatest need and where we have been most successful,” said Kevin Elsenheimer, director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority.

“We remain committed to providing a holistic solution to the state’s foreclosure problem by helping individual homeowners and by stabilizing local housing markets in Detroit and Flint, where vacancy rates remain the highest.”

In the opening of his address Wednesday at the 37th Mackinac Policy Conference, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan talked about affordable housing opportunities and plans to reinvent city neighborhoods with transportation, converting vacant lots to wildflower meadows and revitalized housing.

He also touted the latest infusion of federal dollars being directed toward demolition projects in the city and reiterated plans to take down about 11,000 more homes by the end of next year.

“Over and over, the neighborhoods are coming back,” he said. “This is transforming this city every single day. It’s getting a little bit cleaner and a little bit better. We’ve got to reshape the landscape.”

So far, 9,102 homes have come down, he said, adding “we had bumps” but “pure hearts.”

Detroit’s demolition program is the subject of several ongoing audits and reviews. Federal investigators have subpoenaed for documents. Last month, the FBI’s Detroit office also acknowledged it’s investigating the program.

On Wednesday, the mayor did not delve into scrutiny over bidding and costs associated with the demolition effort and the pending federal and city reviews.

The federal government in February made a $2 billion commitment to the Hardest Hit Fund, which was created to assist homeowners facing foreclosure in the wake of the Great Recession and mortgage industry meltdown but was later expanded to allow spending on blight prevention.

Michigan originally received $498 million from the fund when the program was announced in 2010.

Michigan has until December 31, 2020, to use all of the funds.

What a scam, all possible because of your generous donations to the U.S. government. Wait, those aren’t donations!

Those are your tax dollars!

Wouldn’t it just be cheaper to just send them back to Africa?

The short-term investment in this one-way trip would far outweigh the long-term sunk cost that is trying to raise the collective black population to a level of civilization even remotely compatible with western civilization.