Wow: Obama Amnesty Permits Being Revoked, Door-to-Door

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2015

Sorry, Paco. The jig is up.
Sorry, Paco. The jig is up.

Crazily enough, this appears to be an actual news story about something which is really happening in real life.

Washington Times:

Goosed into action by an angry federal judge, federal immigration authorities will go door-to-door demanding illegal immigrants return the three-year amnesty approvals the Obama administration issued to them in defiance of a court order.

Those who don’t return their three-year permits will have them terminated at the end of this month, the National Immigrant Justice Center, one of the advocacy groups briefed on authorities’ plan, said in a statement preparing immigrants for what could be a traumatic encounter.

The move comes as Homeland Security officials, fed up with slow-walking by illegal immigrants, are finally playing hardball after months of less forceful measures.

They’re scrambling to meet an end-of-month deadline set by Judge Andrew S. Hanen for recapturing thousands of three-year amnesties the department issued even after the court had entered an injunction halting the new amnesty program.

Unless all of the permits are recovered, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson could personally have to appear in court to explain the foul-up, Judge Hanen said in an order earlier this month.

“Jeh” looks like he’d be comfortable enough in a court room.


If I didn’t know better, I’d say that the public furor stirred up against the invasion by the Donald has something to do with this incredible development.

Whatever you think of Trump, he’s gotten the ball rolling.

The tide is now turning.

We may yet get our country back.