Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2015

The new savior has come, and his name is Sanatorium. Rick Sanatorium.
Speaking to Breitbart, “Rick the Mad House” as he is known by his fanatical supporters vowed to transform America into something way, way better by reducing legal immigration from 1 million a year to 750 thousand a year.
The media the world over is staggered by this hardcore, racist far-right position, and have likened Mad House to “a New Hitler for the 21st century.”
Critics say that first it’s a 25% reduction on Hindu IT workers brought in to replace Americans and then – BAM – here come the cattle cars taking the Jews to camps to be made into lampshades.
A random Jew on Twitter wrote: “I’ve seen this movie too many times. First it’s ‘let’s only have 75% of our workers replaced by Indian immigrants,’ then before you know it it’s fake showers spewing out poison gas.”