Wrong Move, Bucko: Apple Defies Lord Gaben, Rejects Steam App for iOS

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
May 26, 2018

You simply do not trifle with a man who wields such power.

There’s millions of young White men out there who have no future, and nothing to live for. They have dead end jobs, no realistic prospects of starting a traditional family and have to put up with an entire Jewish culture that demonizes them for who they are.

Their sole source of comfort is the blessed light of Gaben, lord of the vidya.

Who would be foolish enough to challenge a man who holds sway over such an army of disaffected, but fanatical young men?

Of course, none other than the delusional homo Tim Cook of the Apple ghetto.

The Verge:

Valve’s game streaming service Steam Link won’t be coming to iOS today, despite a successful Android beta launch earlier this month. According to the official Steam Database Twitter account, Apple rejected the Steam Link app over apparent “business conflicts with app guidelines.” Steam Link was first announced for mobile back in March, and the app functions as a remote desktop so users can access their Steam library of PC games from a mobile device and stream them directly for touchscreen play or for use with a Bluetooth controller.

What “conflicting business” are they talking about, exactly?

Mac has no games.

Not a single one.

Steam link could have finally given the iPhone a real purpose, beyond taking selfies or looking up crochet techniques.

But by fiat of the perfidious Cook, it is not to be.

Cook established at Apple something called “Anal Law” – in order to do business with the company, you must surrender your anus. This includes customers, whose phones he will slow down 20% as soon as they leave the store. 

Maybe the bastard reasoned that he had nothing to fear from Gaben’s forces, given that the PC master race never leaves their homes, and thus do not require cellphones.

Who needs a phone, when you have this kind of power at your fingertips?

He has grossly underestimated the damage an angry army of Gaben loyalists can deal.

It’s not exactly clear at the moment what the “business conflict” here is, and whether it has anything to do with Apple’s somewhat contentious 30 percent App Store fee for all purchases, in-app or otherwise. It may perhaps be due to the fact that Steam Link allows an iOS user to access another app store, namely Steam, within Apple’s tightly controlled ecosystem. Apple was not immediately available for comment.

Maybe Apple intends to get in on the video game market.

Or, rather, get back in. They’ve released a console before, you know…

Who can forget such classics as “Gadget” and “Shock Wave?” Lol.

On Monday, May 7th, Apple approved the Steam Link app for release,” the statement reads. “On Wednesday, May 9th, Valve released news of the app. The following morning, Apple revoked its approval citing business conflicts with app guidelines that had allegedly not been realized by the original review team. Valve appealed, explaining the Steam Link app simply functions as a LAN-based remote desktop similar to numerous desktop applications already available on the App Store. Ultimately, the appeal was denied, leaving the Steam Link app for iOS blocked from release.”

Truly a dick move if I ever saw one. Apple approved it, waited until the app was announced, then withdrew their approval, ensuring maximum coverage of their defiance.

If Trump were still the man we elected, he would have nationalized Apple by now, taking it back from the GRIDS-ridden psycho Tim Cock and giving it back to the people.