Wtf am I Looking At?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 18, 2018

Does this not look like a cartoon?

Like Betty Boop.

Or Jessica Rabbit.

Doesn’t look real at all.

I don’t know who that bitch is. Don’t care.

But do care about the image itself. It seems to be the definitive plastic hypersexualism image.

Decadence is necessarily nihilistic. That is to say, devoid of struggle, the human experience is reduced to physical stimulation. And that is not like an animal, no. Animals have responsibilities. Animals acquire food through struggle. Animals reproduce. Animals care for their young. Animals defend territory. Animals seek that their progeny may dominate their environment, to triumph over other life forms.

We are reaching the point as humans where we will be totally devoid of any responsibilities, where we will exist simply as pleasure machines. We will eat fatty, sugary foods, we will masturbate to pornography, we will take pills and watch television. And there will be nothing else.

At least that is the goal. Everything in consumerist society is reaching for this type of pleasure machine nirvana, where the only experience is pushing the most base buttons. We have been promised an end to the struggle of life.

But it isn’t possible. Life itself is struggle and there is no way out of that.

Our chickens are coming home to roost.

A new day is dawning and with it comes the New Man. The man who was taken out of the struggle by circumstance of birth, but who craved it. The man who sat in a sterile chair eating synthetic food and dreamt of a cruel white cat the size of a school bus who roared and brought forth a river of blood. The man who dreamt of molding the world around him into something greater, something which had never existed before, where machines build larger machines and the seed of the planet earth sprouts into the universe in an explosion of colored lights.

When the New Man comes with his visions of mechanical hands reaching out to the stars, the old man, the pleasure man, will cover and squeal in protest, but the merciless face of the New Man will be more than the pleasure man can stand and his eyes will lower.

The earth itself will praise the New Man and put power into him.

And the struggle will continue, and no more shall we seek a static state of perfect pleasure. No, instead we will seek an endless state of war. For our story has just begun, and the universe is infinite, and God has put in us a duty to make it ours.

We are in the turning of an age. A time of transformation. And you have a choice.

You can wallow in the debauchery which your parents birthed you into, or you can leave it behind and become the New Man.

You can make yourself into something better than you are, if you choose to.

Seek to make yourself into the ideal form of yourself. Do it because you can do it, and because in that struggle to become great, you may overcome the shell that you inhabit and touch divinity.

For the sensual pleasures are there to block the higher pleasure which comes with the full realization of the power that lies dormant within each of us.