Brandon Martinez
May 5, 2014
The Canadian Jewish News website recently reported that a “holocaust” remembrance group headed by the rabid Zionist Mario Silva, a former Liberal MP from Toronto, is stepping up efforts to suppress discussion and debate about what really happened in Germany’s concentration camps during the Second World War.
The prejudicial group, which calls itself the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), essentially defines “holocaust denial” as anything that is not in complete conformity with Zionist mythology and dogma surrounding WWII.
In his book The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism, Jewish writer Ben Weintraub argues that the holocaust story has become a new religion for Jews around the world. Historian Michael Hoffman has called the holocaust — as it is defined by the victorious powers of WWII and their Hollywood propagandists — “pornography” and points out that it has replaced Christianity as the state religion of the Western world.
Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein described Organized Jewry’s campaign to mentally enslave the Western populace with ethnocentric and dogmatic memes relating to Jewish victimhood during the WWII period as a multi-billion dollar industry and extortion racket designed to bolster Israel and Zionist power.
Other historians, such as Jurgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno, have argued that the official holocaust story, which was handed down to the public by murderous governments headed by genocidaires like Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt, contains lies and exaggerations deliberately created to hide Allied atrocities and mask Zionist depravity vis-à-vis the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Whether one believes it or not, whatever happened to Jews in the Second World War is no excuse for what the Zionists inflicted upon the Palestinians three years after the end of that war: the forced expulsion of 800,000 indigenous Arab Palestinians from their homes and villages, the total destruction of more than 500 of those villages, and many brutal massacres of thousands of Palestinians, including women and children. These inhuman abuses continue to this day with the full backing of much of the Western world, in large part due to sympathy elicited from “holocaust” guilt.
The Zionists’ delusional campaign to extirpate debate about this topic will inevitably have the opposite effect. By attempting to inculcate Orwellian conformity by enforcing – through threats of financial deprivation or imprisonment — rigid parameters around this one historical event, the Zionists exude a certain overzealousness that usually emanates from a position of weakness and insecurity.
If the Zionists have such a strong argument to back up their story, why then do they need to legislate against dissenting opinions? Why did the Zionists lobby dozens of European governments to enact Stalinist “holocaust denial” laws to prevent skeptics from voicing their views and findings? As the former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad asked, why prohibit research on this subject if the evidence for it is so solid and irrefutable?
Dozens of innocent researchers and writers are languishing in European jails simply for conducting forensic and documentary research pertaining to Germany’s policy towards Jews during the Second World War. Since their findings do not conform to orthodox belief, they are hounded and harassed, fined and imprisoned, much like Galileo was for contradicting the official doctrines of the Catholic Church.
This monstrosity is allowed to take place with very little protest from supposed defenders of free speech. The mass media operates in conjunction with the main Zionist groups to vilify revisionist researchers and cover-up the mistakes and distortions of incompetent “holocaust” scholars like Raul Hilberg and Deborah Lipstadt.
At the Toronto show trial of Ernst Zundel in 1985, Hilberg testified for the prosecution who sought to send Zundel to jail for publishing a revisionist booklet titled Did Six Million Really Die? Hilberg was cross-examined by Zundel’s defence lawyer Douglas Christie and was forced to make some damaging concessions to the revisionists. Hilberg admitted on the stand that there is no known Hitler order or directive outlining a plan or program to exterminate the Jews of Europe, contradicting statements he made in his own book, The Destruction of the European Jews, where he claimed just the opposite. In the second revised edition of his book, Hilberg excised all previous references to a Hitler extermination order. When asked by Christie to produce a single scientific autopsy report proving the homicidal gassing hypothesis, Hilberg told the court: “I’m at a loss.”
Deborah Lipstadt, the queen of holocaust dogmatism who aggressively attacks revisionist scholarship with erroneous smears, is also known for her utter incompetence and brazen hubris. For years Lipstadt and other Zionist “historians” touted the now-discredited four million deaths at Auschwitz figure – a Soviet propaganda lie that was revised to around one million in 1990 (the one million figure is also contested by revisionist historians). Lipstadt also promoted as ‘fact’ the hugely exaggerated Majdanek death total of 1.7 million Jews. The inflated Majdanek death figure was a propaganda invention of a Moscow-based journalist named Raymond Arthur Davies who was on the payroll of the Canadian Jewish Congress. A slightly lower but likewise false figure of 1.5 million Majdanek deaths was even trumpeted at the Allied-run kangaroo court at Nuremberg after the war. The current research director of that camp, Tomasz Kranz, now estimates that 60,000 people died at Majdanek during the war.
Ian J. Kagedan, a spokesman for the Zionist-Masonic society of B’nai B’rith, clearly outlined the true agenda of “holocaust remembrance” in the Nov. 26, 1991, edition of the Toronto Star. He explained in no uncertain terms that memorializing the holocaust story “is central to the new world order” and that the Zionist vision for the world hinges upon the public acquiescing to the “holocaust’s lessons.”
In an essay dealing with this subject, Dr. Harrell Rhome pointed out that the holocaust dogma was created to deceive Gentiles into accepting a position of inferiority to Jews, “causing them to ostentatiously and obligingly revere the Chosen Ones – and support them with money.”
Perhaps we should all take a second, closer look at the events of World War II – the Zionists’ darkest secrets of all may be found there.
Copyright 2014 Brandon Martinez