WWIII: Obama to Plan Bombings of Syrian Army

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2016


This is all getting insane, guys.

Basically, it looks like Obama is going to start WWIII in Syria before the election. He could then seize control of the polling system and manipulate the results or simply declare a state of emergency and cancel it completely.

I don’t do fearmongering. Or at least I try not to. But this is all getting really nuts.


US President Barack Obama is set to discuss further US action in Syria with his senior foreign policy advisers at the National Security Council (NSC) on Friday.

US officials say military options are to be mulled over, among other possibilities. One scenario to be discussed involves direct US military action in Syria, including airstrikes on Syrian military, radar and anti-aircraft bases, as well as arms depots, Reuters reports citing high-ranking US officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Another scenario to be considered is allowing coalition forces to provide the US-backed ‘moderate Syrian opposition’ with advanced ammunition and weaponry.

This would not include shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, as Washington fears they could be used against Western airliners.

The officials, however, stated it was unlikely that Obama would actually give the green light to US airstrikes on Syrian government targets, or that he would make any specific decisions at the upcoming meeting.

Then why is he even considering it at all?

Openly bombing Assad is literally a declaration of war against Russia.

Is this something to joke about?

One official noted that, as Russian and Syrian troops cooperate extensively, striking Syrian government forces could result in a direct confrontation between the US and Russia – something Obama has been trying to avoid.

The White House declined to comment on the speculation surrounding any possible decisions, but confirmed the NSC meeting will take place on Friday, Reuters reported.

US authorities have already raised the bombing of Syrian government forces as an option, with White House spokesman Josh Earnest telling reporters last week that although such action is unlikely to reduce violence, nothing can be taken off the table under the circumstances.

According to a recent report in the Washington Post, several top US officials have been considering striking positions of the Syrian military covertly and without a UN Security Council resolution.

The NSC meeting comes just ahead of the ministerial talks on Syria in Lausanne, Switzerland. On Wednesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Russia, the US and a number of regional powers will have a meeting “in a narrow format” on October 15 to discuss possible steps for a Syrian settlement.

Get ready.

This is going to be a wild couple of weeks.