Wyrm Pope Claims Women More Important Than Men, Cunt Patrol Demands More Extremism

In the above video, speaking in some strange Mexican language I’m not familiar with, the Wyrm Pope claims: “That is why the woman is more important than the man. But it is bad when the woman wants to be a man. No, she is a woman.”

Note that he has no problem with the reverse.

In fact, he enjoys blowjobs from the reverse.

He spends more time with trannies than with his beloved immigrant swarms. He’s completely obsessed with gay sex, publicly.

He should call himself “Pope Reddit.”

This is apparently not enough for Cunt Patrol, who want the Wyrm Pope to get even more faggoty and retarded in his weird speech.

The Guardian:

Pope Francis has been sharply criticised by one of Belgium’s Catholic universities over his stance on the role of women in society, in a strongly worded press release issued just moments after the pontiff spoke at the college.

Professors and students at UCLouvain, where the 87-year-old pontiff had made a speech on Saturday afternoon, said they wanted to express their “incomprehension and disapproval” about the pope’s views.

I concur.

Everything this twisted and satanic old boy-fucker says leaves me feeling incomprehension and disapproval – both feelings, at the same time.

UCLouvain deplores the conservative positions expressed by Pope Francis on the role of women in society,” said the statement, in extraordinary language from a Catholic university about a pope.

Francis went to the university on Saturday to celebrate its upcoming 600th anniversary as part of a weekend trip he is making to Belgium. His speech largely called for global action on climate change, but he also responded to a letter to him from students and professors that had asked about the Catholic church’s teaching on women.

Yeah, when he’s not talking about sucking cock or the glorious superiority of vagina people, he’s lecturing on global warming.

How is this guy even real?

In the letter, which was read out loud to him, the students questioned him on the Church’s historical part in entrenching female subservience, the unfair division of labour and even disproportionate female poverty.

Throughout the history of the Church, women have been made invisible,” the letter read. “What place, then, for women in the Church?


There is actually no confusion on that issue.

The Man did not stutter.

Women ruined everything and now their only purpose is to shut up – shut up – and produce offspring.

Francis replied by saying the Church was female, noting that the Italian word for it, “chiesa”, is a feminine noun.

A woman within the People of God is a daughter, a sister, a mother,” he said, adding “womanhood speaks to us of fruitful welcome, nurturing and life-giving dedication”.

Womanhood speaks of global warming hoaxes, endless wars, and rape hoaxes.

We’ve had enough of this faggotism!

He did not give any details about potential plans for reform.

The university statement called the pope’s position on women’s roles in society “deterministic and reductive”.

We are really shocked,” said Valentine Hendrix, a 22-year-old student. “He reduces us to a role of childbearer, mother, wife, everything we want to emancipate ourselves from.”

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, a climatologist at UCLouvain university, said Francis had “failed to rise to the occasion.”

“To reply that the Church is a woman is really missing the point of the question – about the Church’s respect for women and their role in the institution and in society,” he said.

The Church is not “a woman” anymore than Jesus was an apple tree. It’s called a “metaphor.” I wouldn’t expect this cocksucker to have room in his brain for such concepts.

Pretending that “Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is his Bride” means “the Church is a woman” is the epitome of “false teaching.”

Of course, this guy literally promotes gay anal inside the Church and says unrepentant homosexuals can receive “blessings” for eating poop.

So, we don’t really expect anything Christian from Pope Reddit.