Xi Says China Will Rule a Global Government

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 24, 2018


Looks like China just declared itself ruler of the world.

Interesting development, to be sure.

One to watch…


China must lead the way in reforming global governance, the foreign ministry on Saturday cited President Xi Jinping as saying, as Beijing looks to increase its world influence.

China has sought a greater say in global organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and United Nations, in line with its growing economic and diplomatic clout.

Since taking office in late 2012, Xi has taken a more muscular approach, setting up China’s own global bodies like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and launching his landmark Belt and Road project to build a new Silk Road.

Beijing has cast itself a responsible member of the international community, especially as President Donald Trump withdraws the United States from agreements on climate change and Iran, and as Europe wrestles with Brexit and other issues.

China must “uphold the protection of the country’s sovereignty, security and development interests, proactively participate in and show the way in reform of the global governance system, creating an even better web of global partnership relationships”, Xi said in comments reported at the end of a two-day high-level Communist Party meeting.

This would help create conditions for building a modern, strong socialist country, the ministry cited him as saying at the meeting attended by officials from the foreign and commerce ministries, the military, the propaganda department and the Chinese embassy in the United States.

While Xi did not provide details, the statement cited him as mentioning the importance of the Belt and Road, and other key diplomatic platforms like his “community of common destiny“, a lofty concept meant to guide China’s relations with the world.

I don’t want to do this meme, but… should I do this meme?

I mean, if the choice is between the Jews and the chinks, I’m not going to have a hard time choosing.

Of course, theoretically the ideal would be a Russian-American alliance as a counterbalance to China, because China’s whole thing is the glory of the race, and though they are cooperating with Russia right now, they will ultimately want to rule the world. As they have apparently just declared publicly…

That said, I don’t think they’ll be nasty about it.

Just practical.

And they are aware of the Jewish issue.

In fact, they publish papers about how America can only be properly understood as a country run by Jews.

No shit.

It’s their key point of reference for understanding American politics and culture.

So presumably, given that they understand this, they won’t let themselves fall to Jewish rule, meaning that a world run by the Chinese will not be a country run by Jews.

The Chinese are smart enough to know that they have to keep white people around to invent things for them – and to come up with pretty much every other idea about any specific thing.

So I mean…

Of course, I hope whites pull through and rule the world as they were intended to.

But it’s good to know that if we don’t, the chinks are going to crush the kikes and we’ll still have a comfy place in the service of our insect overlords.

Harems full of K-Pop skanks as we sit around and invent things

And tubes to grow our own clones to raise.

The Chinese won’t even know that we’re plotting to overthrow them, because they aren’t creative enough to figure out the details of our complex plans.

Or you know, depending on how good those K-Pop harems are…

…we might decide to just chill and help the chinks do the whole space war thing.