Yeah But What Do Kids Want to Do with This Kike?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 27, 2018

I read a whole lot of news, as you may imagine.

And this is the first time in my life I can recall seeing a poll that specified the fact it was talking about adults. It is generally just assumed that at the beginning of the poll, they ask you “are you 18 years of age?”

I guess they didn’t ask that for this poll, and were receiving different answers from under-18s, almost all of which read the Daily Stormer or have friends that do and are spreading to them our memes.

Presumably, the majority of non-adults who answered the poll about what should happen to the rat kike Rosenstein said that he should be forced to walk the Stairs of Death until all his bones break at the same time.

Prisoners were forced to climb the 186 steps of the Wiener Graben with large blocks of granite on their backs. Often the blocks would fall, crushing limbs and bodies of those following, sometimes killing. The SS guards invented competitions betting on which prisoner would make it to the top first. Those surviving the ordeal would then be forced to jump from the edge of the quarry to their death below. This particular spot at the edge of the quarry was known “The Parachute Jump”.“…in 1944 ….The SS led fourty-seven Dutch, American, and English officers and flyers, barefooted, to the bottom. On their first journey up the 186 steps they forced the men to carry twenty-five kilogram stones on their backs. On each successive journey they increased the weight of the load. If a prisoner fell, he was beaten. All fourty-seven died of the treatment”.

That is the direction we are going in now, lads.

We have seized the minds of the youth, and we will use them for our own genocidal agenda.

The Jews are not getting these kids back.

They belong to us now.