YEESH: Wikileaks Reveals CIA Writes Sadistic Erotica Based on Real-Life Torture Sessions

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 13, 2018

This is what the CIA gets up to. This is what US taxpayer money goes to fund.


A declassified cable detailing torture at a CIA blacksite in Thailand operated by now-CIA Director Gina Haspel employed hokey language perhaps better suited for an erotic novel – as opposed to documenting the agency’s actions.

The bizarre literary work, one of 11 cables obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the National Security Archive, a research institute at George Washington University, describes a “catlike” linguist and “hulking, heavily muscled guards.” Just to be clear: The December 2002 cable details the “enhanced” interrogation of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a suspected al-Qaeda terrorist – not a scene from ‘50 Shades of Grey.’

“HVTI and linguist … strode, catlike, into the well-lit confines of the cell at 0902 hrs… deftly removed the subject’s black hood with a swipe, paused, and in a deep, measured voice said that subject – having ‘calmed down’ after his (staged) run-in with his hulking, heavily muscled guards the previous day – should reveal what subject had done to vex his guards to the point of rage,” the titillating CIA cable, documenting the daily shenanigans at a secret torture dungeon, reads.

“Subject, blinking in the fluorescent light, did a few characteristically flicks of his tongue, reacquired his nervous tick, and in a frail, squeaky voice, replied: ‘Nothing.’”

The report “marked a descent into language right out of spy novels or the ‘Shades of Grey’ series to describe potentially criminal behavior by CIA employees,” the National Security Archive noted in its annotation of the declassified cable.

While it’s not clear who authored this delicious morsel of purple prose, it’s likely that Haspel – believed to have been chief of base at the time – read and signed off on the cable before it was dispatched.

So they put some cat lady bitch in charge of the Torture Unit and she made into a BDSM Unit instead.

Jokes aside, you have some real sick fuckers running the CIA. That much is clear.

The one thing that really sticks out about the Abu Ghraib prison torture stuff from Iraq was how they immediately made it sexual. They made it gay too. It was about sexually degrading the prisoners mostly, and the other torture stuff was secondary. Humiliation was what they were going for. I think that this is considered more okay than traditional forms of torture that just involve inflicting pain and discomfort.

And I know that they’re sand-niggers, but they were also almost all Republican Guard, mostly, and not the allahu akhbar kind, but the kind that you could leave in charge of a nation and they’d do a reasonable job of keeping it secular and normal.

Also, one of the striking things that you pick up on when you travel is how fucked up American prisons are.

I’ve met people who’ve been to prison in other countries, and they seemed pretty well-adjusted overall, and didn’t really have much to complain about except for the usual shitty experience of being in a prison.

It isn’t expected that you’re going to be raped if you go to prison in other countries, even shithole places. Idk how real the whole prison rape thing is in the US, or whether it’s a meme, but it seems to be hinted at in literally every movie or show dealing with prison life. And American men seem okay with the arrangement – like it’s expected that going to prison is basically a rape sentence for men, and you just gotta deal with that, maybe crack a joke about it.

That’s fucked up, but it follows a pattern – the people running America use The Gay as a weapon and a tool of coercion. The UK too, probably.

I mean, let’s list off the media, just off the top of my head: Shawshank Redemption, Clockwork Orange, American History X, Prison Break, the one with Bruce Willis and the nigger raper that’s his friend, Let’s Go to Prison, Arrested Development.

You don’t really get that in other nation’s films…so make of that what you will.