Yemen Coup Highlights Failure of Jew “War on Terror”

Daily Slave
January 25, 2015

This recent Yemen coup shows that the Jew promoted “war on terror” is insane.

Rebel forces in Yemen have successfully taken over the government forcing the sitting President to resign.  The Yemeni government was previously supportive of American drone strike operations within the country that targeted so-called “terrorists.”  Undoubtedly these attacks created a situation where the people saw the government as a subversive force not looking out for their best interests.  After all, who would want to live in a country where the government is allowing a foreign power to launch drone strikes anywhere they want?  This resulted in these rebel forces getting to the point where they had enough support to take over the government.  Now, the United States has been forced to suspend many of their military operations in the country.

Washington Post:

The Obama administration has been forced to suspend certain counterterrorism operations with Yemen in the aftermath of the collapse of its government, according to U.S. officials, a move that eases pressure on al-Qaeda’s most dangerous franchise.

Armed drones operated by the CIA and the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command remain deployed for now over southern Yemen, where al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is based. But some U.S. officials said that the Yemeni security services that provided much of the intelligence that sustained that U.S. air campaign are now controlled by Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, who have seized control of much of the capital.

The real question is why American forces are in the Middle East agitating Moslem populations through these stupid drone strike operations and military campaigns?  This activity only serves to benefit Israel and Jewish power as a whole and just generates more Arabic hatred towards Americans.

It is time to end all military operations in the Middle East and secure the borders of every White European nation.  If the Moslems want to kill and behead each other in their own lands, it is really none of our business nor our concern.  The fact that the Yemeni government has fallen is more proof illustrating how much of a failure this insane Jew promoted “war on terror” has been.  It has only created more “terrorism” if that’s what you want to call it.