Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2014
Hey guys, remember when the Christians said that if you accepted homosexuality, it was only going to be a matter of time before you then accepted pedophilia, because you had surrendered the point of reference upon which you had based not doing that?
Yeah, well, it turns out they were right. A new Czech documentary film entitled “Daniel’s World” is coming out about a homosexual pedophile, wherein the subject is portrayed as a normal human who should not only have rights, but should be accepted as he is into society.
The film is described thusly in an introduction to an interview with the director in the Czech art magazine Dok Revue:
In this sensitive portrait of Daniel, who can only fall in love with a child, the director sought to demolish the label of sex offenders given to pedophiles and to highlight the taboos of modern society. A brave documentary encouraging discussion that would never be given the chance to take place, thus, setting a mirror up to the current level of social tolerance.
The film is – surprise! – made by a female SJW:
Veronika Lišková cooperated with a number of film institutions and festivals She also worked as editor-in-chief of Nový Prostor, sold by the homeless, and editor-in-chief of the festival daily dok.revue. At present, she works at the Institute of Documentary Film, a non-profit centre supporting creative documentary films in Central and East Europe. Her filmography includes the following titles: Touches of Dance (Doteky tance , 2010); Meantimes (Mezičas, 2010); Until God Do Us Part (Dokud nás Bůh nerozdělí, 2011); A Slightly Better World (Trochu lepší svět , 2012). The film Daniel’s World is her feature-length debut. It received the Audience award at 18th Jihlava IDFF 2014.
There are a bunch of chan culture references in the poster for the film. Which is… weird.

So, one point for those radical Christian fanatics who said this exact thing was going to happen exactly back in the 90s when the baby-boomer liberals were all celebrating the fantastic liberation of the faggots. This is one time where I’m sure they actually are hating to say “I told you so.”