Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 26, 2015

Yesterday, I wrote about the anti-Trump article published in the New Yorker, wherein the writer, Evan Osnos, basically claimed that all supporters of The Donald are “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists” who he claims live in an alternate reality where Whites deserve their own countries.
The article was 7,500 words of pretentious nonsense, which could have been summed up in a single sentence: “Donald Trump supporters are all stupid evil racists and we must shut it down before it’s too late.”

When writing, I wasn’t certain he was a Jew, but had assumed. He has written for Tablet Magazine, and his wife’s name is Sarabeth Berman (Berman, in America, being an almost exclusively Jew name).
As it turns out, he is a super-Jew.
His grandmother, Marta Osnos, was the daughter of a real life Elder of Zion, as we read in her New York Times obituary.
Mrs. Osnos, who specialized in cancer research, joined Columbia in 1945, shortly after emigrating from Bombay, where she had settled after fleeing her native Poland in 1940. A graduate of Warsaw University and the Sorbonne, she spent 33 years at Columbia and was the author or co-author of 40 research papers published in French, Polish and English.
From 1978 to 1988, Mrs. Osnos was a nutrition consultant at Cornell Medical School. In 1979 she translated ”Hunger Disease: Studies by Jewish Physicians in the Warsaw Ghetto,” which was published by John Wiley and Sons.
Mrs. Osnos was a daughter of Dr. Zygmunt Bychowski, a member of the first Zionist Congress, which was held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897.
In 2002, Evan wrote about his Jew family escaping getting turned into lampshades in The Chicago Tribune.
While I was growing up, our family was always a story without a beginning, full of names without faces.
This much I knew: My grandparents, Jozef and Marta Osnos, left Poland in 1940; they waited out the war in Bombay, where my father was born in October 1943. They settled in New York and started new lives.
The Tribune piece is a 10,000 word jerk-off. No, sorry – I mean “tear-jerker.”
Evan’s father, Peter Osnos, is a top Jew media figure who has written for The Atlantic and is the founder of PublicAffairs, a publishing company which focuses on Jew insider communications.
As Wikipedia tells us:
PublicAffairs was launched in 1997 by Peter Osnos, and has published over 200 books since then. The company publishes mostly non-mainstream non-fiction books about politics and current affairs, both American and international. On its 10th anniversary PublicAffairs arranged a panel discussion with several authors of books published by them, including James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank, and George Soros.
In Jared Taylor’s response to the anti-Trump article, he mentioned that Osnos contacted him under the pretext that he was writing about the Dylann Roof incident.
He did the same to me, sending a pretentious email pretentiously intended not to be pretentious.

I didn’t respond because I never respond to any of these pricks asking to talk on the phone, because I understand they are all trying to Jew me (I do respond to emails, sometimes, if they are simple questions, as I think giving simple statements is something of a necessary public service).
As I have stated, my criteria for doing a phone or in-person interview are as follows:
- You must work for Rolling Stone
- You must put it in writing that I will be on the cover
- You must put it is writing that I will be allowed to wear the Bane mask on the cover
Jewing Activated

The Jew activism against Trump is just beginning. Osnos’ piece has set a narrative that people who support The Donald are “neo-Nazis,” and the rest of the Jew media is already running with it. Huffington Post just did a piece on it, and I’ve gotten three emails from newspapers plus one from CNN asking for comments on Trump.

A Jew recently openly called for the assassination of Trump.
As I have already said, this “guilt by association” plot is a retarded strategy. This attempt to say “well, Trump is evil, because these evil people support him, so everyone who supports him is evil, so – shut it down.”
I cannot really think of a worse strategy than attempting to paint all Trump supporters as “neo-Nazi White supremacists.” This really speaks to the Jew desperation.
All it is going to do is polarize things (in a way that is good for us and bad for Jews), and make the “neo-Nazi White supremacist” meme even more ridiculous than it already is.
So I say, go ahead, Jews.
We already started the fire.
And Donald Trump is a big guy for you.