Yes, Jews, Please Just Go to Israel

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2014


Anna Berg, a Swedish-Jew blogger at the Times of Israel is threatening to “break up with Europe for good.”  She is asking all European Jews to go to their promised land.

“Israel is calling you to come home dear Jews” she says “You are needed here. Take all the culture, innovation, science, spirituality and chutzpah that you have and come! You are wasting your time in countries that don’t appreciate you.”

I wish the Jews in Europe would listen to her as well and remove everything of theirs from our culture too. Remove all the promotion of atheism, pornography, homosexuality and degenerate ‘art,’ take it all from our lands and let us get back to creating the culture that comes naturally to us.

They can take their ‘innovations’ of compound interest, miscegenation, feminism, divorce and abortion and enrich Jewland with them instead.

Jew science.

They can take their fraudulent social ‘science’ that tells us there is no difference between the races, their genetic ‘science’ that introduces irreversible abominations into the very building blocks of life, their sexual ‘science’ that tells us everyone is a homosexual and that you can change your gender by mutilating your genitals. Take all of it and gift it to the other Jews and Moslems over there in Jewland.

They can take their anti-‘spirituality’ that tells us there is no God and that our Christ is boiling in hell in excrement, that tells them we are slaves provided by God for them to abuse and steal from. Take it all back Jews, you are welcome to it.

Take your ‘chutzpah’ that causes our own people to blush with shame if they attempt it, that has made virtues out of arrogance, selfishness and insensitivity.

Yes, please take all of your ‘innovations’ back to your stolen hell-hole of desolation that you have forced on the people of the middle east, because if anyone deserves it for the way they have treated us over the years, it is them.
