Yes, Kike. You are a Jew.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2018

There is an interesting phenomenon where Jews are going crypto apparently out of a personal desire to go crypto, rather than a desire to dazzle the goyim.

I am against this, and view it as no different than illicitly removing one’s yellow star.

Apparently, they have troubles in their own community; although Jews tend to generally not care if a Jew doesn’t believe in the gibberish religion of the Jews, they become enraged if a Jew tries to shed the Jew identity for any reason other than tricking the stupid goyim.

Toby Moses writes for The Guardian:

It’s never a good sign when someone sitting across from you over dinner starts crying. Less so when you’re in a friend’s flat, the person with tears rolling down their cheeks is a stranger and you’re the one to blame. Of course, I didn’t think I’d done anything wrong. She, a Jewish American, had been taken aback when I’d been clarifying for some friends (yet again) that, no, I’m not Jewish, yes, my name is Moses, no my parents aren’t Jewish, I do have curly hair, that doesn’t make me … I was adamant.

The effect it had on the one Jewish person around the table took me aback. “How can you deny it? It’s so sad that you’re ashamed of your Jewish identity, your heritage.” And then the tears. I quietly slipped out of the room.

The thing is, as hard as it is to believe for anyone who knows my name or even just sees me (I’ve been mistaken for a rabbi), I’m not Jewish, not in any way I consider meaningful – and I haven’t changed my mind about that. My mother isn’t Jewish, her family isn’t, my dad’s parents were Jewish, but they never practised the religion. There wasn’t any of the cultural aspect in my childhood, no Friday night dinners or happy Hanukahs to remember. Sure, I have Jewish heritage. Two of my grandparents were Jews, many Jews would consider me to be half-Jewish and, of course, the Nazis would have considered me to be Jewish. But I have none of the familial, cultural or religious trappings of Judaism; it simply isn’t part of my identity.

The Nazis actually would have considered you to be a “mischling of the 1st grade.”

Get it right, Jew.

And yet, the past couple of years have made me question why I felt the need to push back so hard whenever someone told me I was Jewish. Because people don’t ask me, they tell me, and that made me bristle. But there are more important things than people defining who I am for me.

The rise of antisemitism has been shocking to many – more than it should have been. Everything, from the murders in Pittsburgh to the Soros attacks on the front page of British newspapers that echo dog-whistle racism, has shown that the taboo around bigotry towards Jews has lost some of its power. It is undoubtedly my privilege speaking, but when I was young the idea of widespread antisemitism seemed far-fetched.

Foolishly, I didn’t think of Jews as a group that needed protection any more – we’d dealt with antisemitism. That itself was a form of prejudice – I believe it’s at the heart of why so many on the left are resistant to the idea that it exists among their cohort. “There are bigger fish to fry – Jewish people no longer need our help.” That’s a very dangerous assumption. It allows the “real” racists to come out and play. And come out they have.

Either we “came out” or we were – much more likely – created by Jews.

I certainly had no specific distaste for the Jews before I found out about their behavior.

Why would anyone?

The idiotic “color of the skin” reasoning does not apply here.


Again, we come to the issue of anti-Semitism being the only problem of any kind that is simply assumed to have no cause whatsoever.

So I’m not going to correct people who insist that I’m Jewish any more. I don’t consider myself Jewish, but I would hate for anyone to think I saw it as a label of which to be ashamed. It is not. If my past protestations could have fed into that, then I’ve been part of the problem. And doing this is not about trying to appropriate the suffering that Jewish people have endured, and continue to endure. If someone sincerely asks me if I’m Jewish, my answer will remain the same. I’ll never claim special insight because of some long-ago heritage, I will not take up space that should be given to Jewish people to share their experiences, I am not a representative of any group of people.

But I’m not going to quibble if I’m wished a happy Hanukah, I’ve got no reason to be ashamed and every reason to be proud of my Jewish origins. And I’m certainly not getting into any more arguments about that aspect of my identity. There is no benefit to anyone in that debate. An appropriate response to antisemitism could never be: “I’m not even Jewish.” Because if, in the act of correcting people, it sounds like a rejection of the label, an embarrassment to be shrugged off, I’m doing a disservice to my Jewish friends and Jews suffering due to antisemitism around the world, not to mention the memory of my own grandparents.

See, the thing about this is that only a Jew could write all that bullshit that this Jew just wrote.

That is the point.

Judaism is genetic.

And though I, like the Nazis, am willing to consider the fact that a half Jew is probably going to have fewer or less extreme versions of Jewish genetic qualities, they are still going to have enough of these qualities to be JEWS.

Although the Nazis may have authorized Toby Moses to marry a white woman, if he passed tests (see above chart), I consider the Nazis to be cucks on this issue, and do not believe that any half Jews should be considered non-threats. Especially not half Jews that look like Toby Moses.

Nazis were cucks on a lot of issues, in fact, particularly with regards to their complete refusal to gas Jews in fake shower rooms and turn them into lampshades, something which I intend to do.

Once you get to be 1/4th or 1/8th, then we can start talking about doing a series of psychological tests on you to figure out what is going on.

NOTE: For the sake of fairness with regards to the Nazis, it is only fair that I note that Germany was dealing with Jews who were already the most assimilated Jewish population in Europe. That is to say, German Jews had less Semitic blood than say, Russian or Polish Jews. This may have contributed to their cuckoldry on the issue of mischling of the 1st degree. Also, there is no record of any of these mischling betraying the Reich, even though they could usually avoid the camps.