Yes, Ms. Zuckerberg – Please Give Birth to an Army of Mixed-Race Babies to Fight Us Nazis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2016

Donna Zuckerberg has threatened to give birth to an army of mixed-race babies to fight the Nazis. Or at least, she posted a poem mentioning this, claiming that she was feeling it.

I support this. I think she should do it.


Zuckerberg, sister of Mark Zuckerberg, recently penned a big piece for Jezebel attacking the Alt-Right – and connecting it to misogyny.

It was pretty good overall. I mean, as these things go. There was at least a little bit of an attempt to understand what is going on, which is rather rare, overall.

They’d better start trying to understand us a little bit more.

We certainly understand them.

This is what kikes actually believe.