Yes, Putin is Still Alive

Daily Stormer
March 16, 2015

Back in action.
Back in action.

It isn’t clear why exactly Putin was not seen for ten days, but he is now back.

It’s good news.


Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in public Monday for the first time in about 10 days as he met with Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev in the Russian city of St. Petersburg.

Putin isn’t generally one to shy away from the limelight — posing with a (tranquilized) tiger, riding a horse while shirtless, earning a karate black belt.

So his unexplained absence fueled speculation about his health, grip on power and even his love life.

Although the Kremlin and the Russian state media released photos and video footage of Putin last week, they did not quell the rumors about his whereabouts, because it was unclear when they were taken.

So all eyes were turned to St. Petersburg on Monday for Putin’s scheduled meeting with Atambayev of Kyrgyzstan.

His appearance before the press, looking healthy and relaxed, should help put some of the rumors at least to rest.

And he made light of his absence, saying: “It would be boring without gossip.”

Maybe he was just letting rumors spread to troll people, I guess?

In other Russian news –


Russia was ready to put its nuclear forces on alert over the crisis in Crimea last year, such was the threat to Russian people there, President Vladimir Putin said in a documentary that aired on state TV on Sunday night.

Asked if Russia was prepared to bring its nuclear weapons into play, Putin said: “We were ready to do it. I talked with colleagues and told them that this (Crimea), is our historic territory, Russian people live there, they are in danger, we cannot leave them.

“It wasn’t us who committed a coup, it was the nationalists and people with extreme beliefs.”

But, he added, in the documentary broadcast on state-run channel Rossiya One, “I don’t think this was actually anyone’s wish — to turn it into a world conflict.”

It wasn’t known when the interview originally taped.

That… is very intense.

Because, you know – he’s not joking.