There is a narrative that goes: “things were not actually better when you were younger, it was just better because you were young.”
This is a ridiculous narrative.
Firstly, my life was not better when I was young. It’s much better now. So that does not work on me.
“Things” in a general sense, however, were much better when I was younger.
You did not have child trannies when I was a boy. There were many fewer immigrants. You did not have mass internet censorship. You didn’t have cellphone addiction. People were not nearly as fat. The food was better. Buildings were nicer. Films were not all comic book CGI trash. And you could go on forever. These are objective measures. Things were simply better, generally. It’s a factual matter.
I remember when it was illegal to be gay. I remember the movement to legalize it, which was a big boomer cause, because they said “it’s none of the government’s business what people do in their own bedrooms.” That is the way boomers think: everything is some kind of mantra, really a slogan. “A woman has a right to choose,” “I just think they should come here legally,” “we fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.” Everything is an advertisement. Their political, cultural, and religious beliefs are the result of mass-marketing campaigns.
When I was born, it was illegal to be gay, and now at middle age, we are looking at a situation where it will soon be illegal to be normal. There are in fact many ways in which heterosexual male sexuality has already been outlawed, as a result of feminist and homosexual marketing campaigns which the boomers could not resist.
It’s not just millennials that had it better when they were young. The boomers had it better than their millennial children. At the time, the Silent Generation parents of the boomers were talking about how things were better when they were young, before all of the sex and drugs.
But I think that’s as far back as it goes. Before that, in the early 1900s, people expected that their children would have a better life than they did.
Things are not necessarily destined to keep getting worse and worse until the entire universe is just a sadistic homosexual child mutilation festival. Things could get better, just like they got worse. There is no reason to lose hope.
The elections are fake and everything is gay and retarded, but nothing lasts forever.
Just hang in there, friends.
We’re going to make it through this.
Chin up.