Yes, Your Quadroon Daughter has to Go Back

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2016

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National Action staged a demonstration Saturday in Bath, and were approached by a woman with her half-breed daughter, asking if the daughter would have to go back.

This is supposed to be some type of riddle/gotcha, where they say “oh, but it was born here, and it is half us, how can you send it back to some place it’s never been?”

Well, no one asked you to create a mutant. Well, maybe the Jews asked you to, but you made the choice. And we cannot have these people polluting the gene-pool, even if they are White enough to be basically civilized.

So, yes: they have to go back.

Daily Mail:

Sharon Forbes and her daughter Savannah were shocked to see a group of men apparently making bigoted speeches using a megaphone on Saturday.

A man wearing a baseball cap told Sharon he was advocating a ‘free, white Britain’, so the outraged mum replied: ‘My daughter’s mixed race – should she be booted out?’

The protester, in the centre of Bath, looks flummoxed and said: ‘I don’t know, she looks white to me… you’re saying that [she’s mixed race] but you could be saying that for argument’s sake.’

Surrounded by shoppers and tourists, he continues to tell Savannah and Sharon that Britain has ‘always been a white country’ and that they ‘can’t handle the facts’.

Savannah, 15, points out that times have moved on and ‘people have progressed so much since then’, adding that ‘people of different skin tones can now mix and that’s fine’.

One of the guys here said “do you seriously just pull ‘it’s current year?'”

Sharon said she was ‘very proud of Savannah for ‘confronting the racists in Bath’.

She said: ‘Savannah is mixed race and is so proud of her heritage. Her grandfather is Jamaican and works as a paediatrician in Africa. He’s an expert on treating malaria.

‘She’s a lovely person and a happy girl, but when we saw those men we had to act.

‘We were so shocked – it’s the first time we’ve ever witnessed direct racism. There were lots of tourists there from all over the world and I couldn’t imagine what they were thinking.

‘People were upset but weren’t doing anything. I think that happens more and more now – society tends to turn a blind eye.’

Of course, we will give them money to go back. We’re not just going to drop this silly bitch off on a corner in Jamaica. We’re civilized men. We’ll give her at least six months worth of rent money for her new apartment in Kingston. So, like, along with the plane ticket, she’ll get like $60.


She can find a nice little place right in the government yard in Trenchtown.

There’s one other option: maybe we can set-up a program where we first give half-breeds an IQ test and psychological profile, then have them agree to be sterilized. But that’s almost too complicated and dumb. Plus also, who cares?

Just send them back.

Much love to the National Action lads. They are very brave, going out there and doing this.


That this bitch was able to use her kink-haired quadroon to trip them up a bit means nothing. It just shows the lack of morality on the other side – that they will use a teenage girl as a prop for their politics.

But we do have to be stone cold. Fact of life. Our backs are against the wall.

In the future, the response should be “she can take a DNA test and then we’ll decide.”