Yet Another ISIS Bride Wants to Return West to Shit Out Brown Child, Kill White People

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

Naturally, the MSM is referring to this Moslem as an “American woman” lmao.

And look at the sob story that they are already spinning about this woman.

You can see what the agenda is here from a mile away: to convince Americans to prepare for a wave of repatriated Moslem terrorists to return home.

ABC News:

With U.S.-backed forces closing in on ISIS in Syria, young mother Hoda Muthana is pleading for a second chance and the opportunity to return home to her family in Alabama.

“I realized I’ve made a big mistake and I know I’ve ruined my future and my son’s future and I deeply, deeply regret it,” she said in an interview with The Guardian newspaper.

Muthana is one of 1,500 foreign women and children living in a Kurdish-run refugee camp in northern Syria.

Muthana’s family lawyer, Hassan Shibly, told ABC News the young mother was “brainwashed” by ISIS and now feels “tremendous remorse.”

“This is a young, vulnerable woman who was brainwashed and manipulated by monsters who took advantage of her,” Shibly said in an interview that airs on “Good Morning America” on Tuesday morning. “Hooda is absolutely disgusted by the person she became while under the spell.” 

So here’s what’s really happening.

Assad, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia have mopped up most of ISIS, except in territories that were under US protection. And the Trump doctrine under Mad Dog and Kelly was to stop supporting ISIS. This is about all that they agreed on. Mad Dog got the can because he wanted US troops to stay in Syria anyway and Trump wanted them out. Also, he had a sick fetish for trannies and presumably Trump found out about his big-donged shemale lover that gave it to him on the reg and told him, “get out, mad dog. You’re one sick, sick puppy. Your resignation on my desk at 0800. Pack up your dildo and leave! You’re fired!”

Which one was giving it to Mattis? 

But now that America was no longer going to militarily support ISIS, they had to figure out a way to get all these ISIS fighters out before Assad and his allies could kill them. Some of them could be moved to Idlib province, to continue the fight there, re-armed and resupplied by Turkey.


The Turkish regime under Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues its support to the terrorist organizations to keep using them as a card and a tool to achieve its subversive projects in Syria, in violation of its commitments as one of the guarantor states of Astana track.

Hundreds of terrorists were reported to have crossed the Turkish border over the past two days to join Jabhat al-Nusra in Idleb.

The terrorists, the sources said, were transported under cover in closed trucks on Sunday and Monday, where they later joined the terrorist organizations affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra and the so-called “Hurras Eddin” organization that is linked to the leader of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The sources mentioned that the terrorists are of Western nationalities, in addition to others who hold nationalities of East Asian and Arab countries, who were transported towards Jisr al-Shughour area that is under the control of terrorists from China and Turkistan, while the other foreign terrorists were transported to camps of Jabhat al-Nusra and Hurras Eddin in the southern and southeastern countryside of Idleb.

The Turkish regime’s involvement in sponsoring and supporting the terrorist organizations, confirmed by field facts throughout the past years, exposes its false claims of fighting terrorism under its commitments as a guarantor state of Astana process along with Russia and Iran.

Translation: captured ISIS assets retasked to Idlib to continue the fight there.

But what to do about all the captured Moslems with Western passports? 

Well, many are certainly going to be taken back into the UK, France and the United States.

The reason?

Simple: they will be reused in the next proxy conflict in the Middle East or Central Asia. This is just Imperial policy. You keep these terrorists on ice back home to reuse whenever the Jews have a new conflict planned. This is one of the main reasons that we have all these terrorists running amuck in the West. The CIA thinks that a few mass killings are a small price to pay for the ability to use these auxiliaries abroad in wars against Russia, Iran, China and whatever other country that the Jews don’t like.

The intelligence agencies are going to quietly resettle all these ISIS fighters to America and the West. Once “home” they’ll mingle with Iranian exiles, Mujahadeen, Iraqi collaborators and on and on the list goes. Every country the US has been in or plans on being in has an ethnic community in America that can be relied on to do a Bay of Pigs-style takeover of their home country at some point.

It is the media’s assignment to get Amerikaners to sit pretty and not protest their communities getting flooded with terrorists because to do otherwise would be to commit a Racism.