David Duke
September 25, 2014
The announcement by Israel’s Interior Minister that his government will bring in new laws to prevent courts from interfering with their policy of unilaterally deporting all non-Jews from Israel has once again highlighted the international Jewish Supremacist hypocritical divide-and-conquer immigration policy.

The announcement by Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar that he will bring in new legislation comes after the Israeli High Court ruled that the Zionist state’s practice of holding African migrants in facilities in southern Israel for up to a year was illegal, and ordered the state to shutter the Holot concentration camp where they are kept, within 90 days.
Sa’ar said he could “not accept the verdict of the High Court,” which, if implemented, would mean “we won’t have a Jewish state because our borders will be overrun… with illegal infiltrators.”
He added that the court had “made a mistake” and that the Knesset would now have to pass legislation preventing the High Court from intervening on the issue.
The High Court decision was not unanimous: A special panel of nine High Court justices voted 6-3 on appeal to limit the detention of migrants, while the decision to close Holot was approved by seven of the nine justices.
Even this decision does not mean that Israel will now accept any non-Jewish immigrants, legal or illegal. The court decision annuls the “infiltrator law” but reinstates earlier illegal migrant legislation, under which migrants or asylum-seekers can be held for up to 60 days.
The Israeli immigration law—as it has always stood—is designed to keep Israel as ethnically pure as possible, and to ensure that only Jews are allowed to enter in, and live in that country.
At the same time, all Israeli policies towards the Palestinian people have been designed to drive them out and reduce their numbers. This policy has consisted of violence, terrorism, ethnic cleansing and steady land grabs to displace the pre-1948 population.
In America—and Europe—however, Jewish activists have been at the forefront of promoting immigration policies which are the exact opposite of the ones they enforce in Israel.

The Anti-Defamation League, for example, boasts that it is one of America’s “foremost civil rights organizations” and even has a special section of its website devoted to promoting immigration into America.
Headed “ADL’S Commitment to Meaningful Immigration Reform”, the ADL site says that through “legislative advocacy, litigation and public awareness campaigns, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has promoted fair and humane immigration policies since its founding in 1913” and that it “has been actively pressing Congress to pass meaningful immigration reform.”
This is, of course, exactly the opposite of the policy which is enforced in Israel—which the ADL fanatically supports, even having a “how to defend Israel” section on their website.
That “how to defend Israel” section of the ADL website contains a long list of arguments to use against those who criticize Israeli policy, and deals with every topic—except Israel’s immigration policy!
On that topic, the ADL is completely silent!
The hypocrisy is clear: Jewish Supremacists promote “open borders” for America and Europe, but “closed borders” for Israel.
The reason for this Jewish Supremacist hypocrisy can only be explained by an understanding of their deliberate divide-and-conquer strategy.
It must be borne in mind that the Jewish Supremacists know very well that mass immigration of any sort causes societal discordance and the loss of identity—this is why they oppose it in Israel.
Hence when they promote this policy for Europe and America, they do so in the full knowledge that it will cause discordance and trouble—and that it will weaken the targeted nations. This is clearly a deliberate policy, designed to weaken those nations so affected.
They promote this policy not out of an interest for migrants—but only as a tool with which they know they can promote division and weaken other nations, and America (and Europe) in particular.
The Jewish Supremacists know that if they can get non-Jews fighting with each other, the less chance there will be that attention will be brought to bear on Jewish activities.
This then, is the true reason for the hypocrisy and the divide-and-conquer strategy of Jewish Supremacism.