You are Going to Die

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2016


Know this brothers: you are going to die.

You don’t know how long you will live. But you know, without any doubt, that some day you will die.

When you wake up, remember that you will die.

When you go to sleep, remember that you will die.

When you look in the mirror, remember that you will die.

When you see a girl you like, and ask yourself if you should approach her, remember that you will die.

When you think about your role in this movement, remember that you will die.

When you imagine the worst case scenario, remember that you will die.

When you imagine all that you could become if you put your soul into becoming it, remember that you will die.

Most importantly, realize this: when you are dead, the only thing that will matter is that you did when you were alive.

You only get one shot at this.

Get it right.

Don’t wait until that last second, when you know death is imminent, and wish you would have done everything differently.

Make your life mean something.

Because you are going to die.


Hail Victory.