Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2014

I am a strong believer in the idea that you can indeed judge a book by its cover when it comes to the physical appearance of human beings. Greeks considered the art of determining a man’s nature by his physical form to be a science. It is called physiognomy. Although this is certainly not the most pressing issue at hand, it is surely an interesting concept.
A monstrous looking demon, Kenneth Haskins, has just burned down his apartment building after being asked to stop masturbating in front of the window.
From Huffington Post:
The 58-year-old Tampa resident reportedly used flammable liquids to start the blaze because he wanted to get back at the complex’s management company, Mar Plaza, Tampa Bay Times reports.
Recently, management told him he needed to stop masturbating in front of his windows and front door, police told the paper. Haskins reportedly admitted to starting the fire to exact his revenge.
No injuries were reported after the fire, which started at about 10 p.m. Bay News reports that firefighters had to evacuate more than 28 units and four were damaged, including Haskins’.
This is an extreme case, as Haskins was deformed from having shot himself in the face, and likely had brain damage. However, it pushes home the point that nothing good comes from physical ugliness, a rule which I have never in my person life seen broken.
We should not confuse a lack of physical ugliness with sexual attractiveness – many people are not ugly, but are not sexually attractive either. Nor should we suppose that a sexually attractive person is necessarily good inside, as they often have a devious about them which is simply blocked from being observed by their attractiveness.

The Jewish-materialist system has brainwashed us with “appearance doesn’t matter, ugly people are good” propaganda for a very long time now, to the point where we seem incapable of following our instincts, which lead us to be repulsed by the grotesque.
I would advise all of you to begin to take note of the physical features of those you meet, and see how they relate to the person’s personality and level of personal integrity.