Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2014
The following is a public service announcement announcing that you shouldn’t call people “retards” because it hurts the feelings of retarded people.
This is more compulsive liberal social engineering guilt tripping, and I don’t actually think that retarded people are aware that they are supposed to be offended if someone calls a friend a “retard” for doing something dumb. It’s hardly something that there needs to be public awareness about. It isn’t like it is socially acceptable to be mean to retarded people.
I for one hardly even see retarded people, but when I do see them, I don’t think of abusing them or hurting their feelings on purpose. Who thinks like that? Only possibly blacks, who also torture animals.
I think the purpose of this commercial is more subtle – it is about the lead in, the establishing that no, it isn’t okay to be racist, nor is it okay to hate faggots, and we have all already accepted that. So then, we are moving on to a new social justice crusade. An obscure one, because there are so few left.
The glaring inconsistency in the clip is that there is no “it is not acceptable to call me cracker” White person. The message there is that it is impossible to discriminate against a White person – or even to hurt their feelings, which is all they are complaining about when they complain about mean names. Which makes it interesting that all of these crybaby groups are compared to an emotionally and intellectually stunted retarded person. A little unintended implication there: they all have the emotional state of a retarded person.
Except Asians. But I have never personally heard an Asian complain about “racism.” Probably because they are capable of getting along in society like normal people, and thus have no need to cry like little babies all the time. Asians, in my opinion, also have a higher level of respect for our culture than any other race, and are thus capable of accepting that while living in our society, they are going to be treated like outsiders. When I lived in Asia, I was subject to “racism” – that is, being dismissed as annoying or a hassle, not being served first or at all, being giggled at for being different, called ethnically identifying nouns which could be construed as derogatory, and so on – however, it never struck me to cry about it, because I was living in someone else’s country, and thus should be able to understand it is natural for me to be treated differently. And because I am a grown adult, and have a general policy of not going around crying about things all the time.
As one of the core purposes of the Daily Stormer is to enact a policy of social justice for heterosexual Whites – as we are the only ones in the world who truly need it – I am going to go ahead and do the unacceptable.

Calling people mean names may or may not be helpful. I personally do not see it as particularly helpful, which is why I don’t do it, generally (except “faggot”; I am guilty as charged on that front). However, excluding these words from our vocabulary, and punishing us for using them, is infinitely more unhelpful than the words themselves. The existence of the words, and the fact that people used to use them a lot more than they do now, is a part of the creation of the Evil White Boogieman who oppressed all the people because he didn’t care about their feelings. What we should realize is that though it is low-class to go around calling anyone mean names all the time – any type of mean name – it is hardly a huge deal.
It is only a limp-wristed society of nigger-spic-chink-faggot-kike-retards that would make the potential for someone to have the feelings hurt the biggest potential problem in the world.