You Know Kids, This Stupid Nigger is Right

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 19, 2018

The silly, stupid nigger Jordan Peele has made a video with an actual point.

Just watch it.

But I’ll describe it anyway: it’s Obama talking, and then it cuts to him doing Obama’s voice and you find out that it is just a convincing CGI version of Obama.

Then he tells you we’re entering a world where anything can be faked.

And that is absolutely true. We are basically already there.

I mean, in this video, the CGI isn’t perfect. Looks a little weird. But only just a little. That will be fixed in a couple years, to the point where you literally won’t be able to tell the difference. Faking voices is a little bit more complicated, but they’re working on that too.

And then, you know – everything else. They can fake any event, using CGI. It makes the concept of video as proof that something happened irrelevant, and we are back in a place where reality is only what you literally witness with your own eyes. Which isn’t very much, is it?

We are used to seeing the entire world through the TV, and now, everything outside of your town could be blown up with nukes, and you could turn on the TV and see things happening normally in Washington, Moscow and Beijing, and never know.

Jordan Peele’s solution is to just believe whatever “trusted media” says. Because you don’t really have any other choice anyway.

He is of course referring to the media establishment, which starts with the New York Times and the Washington Post. It’s funny, all these “woke” assholes talking about communism love the narrative set by companies run by two of the richest men on the planet (Carlos Slim, seventh richest man on earth, and Jeff Bezos, richest man on earth, respectably). It seems kinda like maybe those would be people you would maybe not want to trust so much. Like, maybe they have an agenda which could potentially conflict with the wellbeing of normal people. Perhaps.

Furthermore, I guarantee the Daily Stormer has a 100x better record than NYT and WaPo – I’m not talking about analysis, but just basic facts.

Of course, we at the Daily Stormer rely on various publications to get our informations from. We just happen to be very good at comparing the informations of different sources and finding the ones that are most true. And in the future, it’s possible that there won’t be any true informations at all.

In which case: you’re just going to have to try to figure out who benefits from what you are seeing. And consider that you are probably seeing it because whoever benefits from it wants you to hear it.

I’ll tell you what though: the solution is definitely not to just believe whatever the New York Times tells you to believe.