Young Black Thug Gets 21 Years for Murdering White Schoolboy to Steal His Bike

Daily Mail
September 21, 2015

Alan Cartwright was out with his friends on their bikes when suddenly he was stabbed to death by a Negro.

A teenager was today sentenced to life in jail with a minimum term of 21 years for murdering a schoolboy while trying to steal his bicycle.

Joshua Williams, 18, stabbed 15-year-old Alan Cartwright in the chest on a busy street in Islington, north London while the victim was heading to a biking even in February this year.

He was found guilty of murder at the Old Bailey yesterday, and today a judge gave him a life sentence and ordered him to spend at least 21 years behind bars.

Williams was part of a gang which set upon Alan and his friends to try and steal their cycles using a ‘pincer movement’.

CCTV images showed how after the teenager was stabbed in the chest, he tried to cycle away but collapsed a few seconds later, and paramedics were unable to save him.

Joshua Williams came from ‘a large and hard-working family’ yet just like most Blacks, he turned out to have no moral compass whatsoever.

Sentencing Williams today, judge Rebecca Poulet said: ‘This was a wholly gratuitous and senseless piece of violence. It was motivated by acquisitive greed and the incident has rightly horrified and dismayed the public.

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