Daily Stormer
August 23, 2014

Immigrant girls from both Britain and France and going to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS.
Married to an Islamic State extremist in Syria complete with handguns and his’ n’ hers Kalashnikov rifles, Khadijah Dare’s is no ordinary life.
But it is a world away from her previous existence as the Lewisham teenager who wore jeans and platform heels and loved her mother’s home cooking.
And hours after the beheading of American journalist James Foley at the hands of a British jihadist, this 22-year-old gloated on social media at his execution and vowed that she would be the first British woman to kill a US soldier.
Dare was gleeful that the ‘UK must be shaking up’ after the execution and from her home in the Syrian scrub she tweeted: ‘Any links 4 da execution of da journalist plz. Allahu Akbar. UK must b shaking up haha. I wna b da 1st UK woman 2 kill a UK or US terorrist!’
Dare’s Twitter account is already notorious – not least because of the photograph of her then four-year-old son Isa, meaning “Jesus”, holding an AK-47 rifle.
Her Twitter feed is littered with images of dead bodies and Islamic State propaganda, but juxtaposed with these are pictures which belie the normal young girl she once was.
The irony of the images she has posted of ‘beautiful’ sunsets, baby seals and a kitten in a teacup alongside those of extremist horror are apparently lost on her.
Khadijah Dare – one of her many post-conversion pseudonyms – grew up in Lewisham, south London, as a non-Muslim, and an acquaintance of hers told the Evening Standard that she was ‘very endearing and sweet.
Two girls, aged 15 and 17, are under investigation in France for allegedly making plans to join jihadis in Syria.
The Paris prosecutor’s office said on Friday that the girls, one from Tarbes in the southwest, the other from the city of Lyon, were placed under investigation a day earlier for criminal association in relation with a terrorist enterprise, a standard charge in terrorism cases in France. The girls are under strict judicial control, according to the prosecutor’s office. It wasn’t clear whether they were returned to their families.
I guess this means multiculturalism has failed?
All these people do is complain and riot.
But maybe we just need to give them more money and everything will be okay.