Young Britons are Too Worried to Get Married or Have Babies

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2014

This is the image that accompanied the article.

Sensible British people who wish to be able to provide for their children before they actually have any are having to delay getting married and having children for longer than ever before.  It has now got so bad that they have been dubbed ‘Generation Pause,’ as they are continually having to delay setting up home due to lack of money.

One in ten believe that they will never be able to afford to marry and a quarter of 25-34-year-olds think that they will never be able to afford a house.

Whatever could it be that is pushing up the price of a house so much?

Its not too much of a problem though, as the government is importing lots of non-White people to replace them and concentrate on housing them first.

After all, what else could we be doing to provide people to look after us in our old age?

Daily Mail:

Meanwhile one in seven 35 to 44-year-olds had or would put off starting a family for at least five years, and a quarter had done so for two years because of a lack of savings and investments.

One in 12 envisaged never being able to afford children, and a quarter of this age group believe they will never afford a house.

The report, released by investment company SCM Direct, said it showed the extent to which ‘financial constraints are directly impacting on matters of the heart’.

It added: ‘We believe the impact of this delay is seismic, not just on a personal level for those who have hit the pause button, but on a wider level.

‘What would be the societal and economic impact if the age that couples started families shifted to the late 30s and mid-40s, with couples in Generation Pause increasingly postponing having children?

‘What will be the impact on the housing market if we move to a nation of renters rather than buyers, or to a model in which people can’t afford to get their first foot on the ladder until middle age?’

More than 3,000 people aged 18 to 85 were asked if they had or would be delaying different life events – including marriage, having children, buying a house and retirement – because of money woes.

And Research Plus, which conducted the survey, found a significant number of those aged 25 to 54 had done so – dubbing them ‘Generation Pause’.

Nearly half of this age group admitted they would have to delay their original retirement plans due to a lack of savings.

The money that we are spending on the invading rapist hordes could just as easily be spent on our own people.  We could enact tax breaks for families and various other incentives to get our people to breed.  Instead, we choose to bring in people to replace us.


White families are being replaced by ones like this, who get their houses paid for by everyone else instead of buying their own.