Young Muslim Smashes Church up and Desecrates Host in France

Diversity Macht Frei
August 9, 2014


On Tuesday 5 August at Thonon-les-Bains, shortly before 8 am, a man of about 30, in only a few minutes, committed major acts of vandalisme in the church of Saint-Hippolyte and in the adjacent basilica of Saint-François-de-Sales: with exceptional force, the person overturned and broke two altars, the candelabras and lecterns, destroyed statues, tore down a tabernacle, twisted a massive bronze cross, smashed in a sacristy door and even broke some stained-glass windows.


According to the priest Le Tué, it was a “young Muslim”, but the hypothesis of a religious motivation still has to be confirmed.

… according to the Thonon priest “there is desecration but also sacrilege, since the Eucharist (hosts)* were trampled on.”

Source:    Via: EuroJihad

* These are wafers that Catholics eat during the Mass ceremony; they signify the body of Christ.

I looked at quite a few news reports of this incident. This is the only one I could find that includes the quote about the perpetrator being a Muslim. One other mentions that he was “of Tunisian origin” and says “he was talking about heaven and hell”. All the other reports, and the police themselves, simply describe him as a “mentally unbalanced individual”.




