Young White Student in Shock After Black Thug’s Coward-Punch Shatters His Nose

11 Alive
March 31, 2014

David Egan’s cheekbone was fractured, his nose shattered and his tooth chipped, when a young Black thug coward-punched him with no warning, not just once, but twice.

The teen punched by a fellow classmate in school went home from the hospital Friday.

David Egan’s nose was damaged so bad he needed reconstructive surgery.

As you can imagine, he’s still trying to make sense of it all but David Egan says neither he nor his dad want what happened to him to be swept under the carpet.

Egan said, “I’m feeling a lot better now that the doctors and everyone was there and they helped me out. I just want to go home and lay down and stuff.”

After 3 nights in the hospital 16 year-old David Egan went home, but he still wants to talk about the locker room punch on Tuesday. Not once, but twice, recorded on a cell phone. David’s cheekbone was fractured, his nose shattered and tooth chipped.

“He just came up to me and started asking me a question and in the middle of my sentence, he just hit me and I blacked out. And I really don’t know what happened next. Just woke up and I was on the way here so,” Egan said.

The Black thug goes up to David and pretends to ask a question, before swinging at him right out of the blue and knocking him out.

Gwinnett County Schools has confirmed that the student now charged with battery reported to a teacher the day before that his shoes had been stolen and was accusing David of taking them.

So where were the adults during this? The school district has told 11Alive adults are in the area but they may not be in the locker room the entire time while students are actually changing.

And about the other kids in the locker room? Egan said, “A lot of them were my friends, I was really surprised that none of them did anything. I figure just cause they were in shock.”

Egan says the student nor parents nor school has reached out to apologize for the punches. “I rather have just fought him than just have him hit me. I’d rather just have a fair fight than have him chicken out and just swing on me. I didn’t see, I didn’t see his arm move.”

Egan and his dad say he will not go back to Parkview.

Gwinnett County School District says it takes the case seriously and handled the situation properly. As for the accused we have tired reaching out for comment. David want to give a shout out to all those who prayed for his recover and thank the doctors and staff at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta- Scottish Rite.

One concerned parent told 11Alive’s Blayne Alexander that she planned to withdraw her son from Parkview High after the incident.

The thug has been charged as a juvenile for the violent and cowardly attack.
The thug has been charged as a juvenile for the violent and cowardly attack, but that will not fix Davids face or prevent him from feeling nervous around people in the future. The only way to stop this sort of thing from ever happening again is segregation.

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