Young White Woman Dead – Foreign Parasites Suspected of Murder

June 16, 2015

The body found is likely to belong to Lisa Holm who has been missing since last Sunday.

Lisa Holm, 17, who disappeared last Sunday at Kinnekulle has been found dead. Two foreign nationals have been arrested for murder and a third for gross protecting the criminal.

Stating that a body found from the police who kept a very brief press conference just before half past twelve on Friday night at a place near the site.

– Police have during the evening anträffat a deceased person, and we believe that it is most likely Lisa Holm, said police spokesman Jenny Widén at the press briefing.

– She was found in the previous current search area by police, she continued.

Widen then stated also that the three foreigners who have been previously downloaded into still sat in the interrogation. The three, two men and a woman, all foreign guest workers, and arrested later. The men are suspected of murder and the woman for serious protection of the criminal. The arrestees are a couple in their 30s and another man according P4 Skaraborg.

According to witnesses, they were taken earlier in the evening away in handcuffs from Blomberg’s manor, a few hundred meters from the place where Lisa disappeared.

Police cordoned off and searched several buildings associated with the persons taken in for questioning, including a farm belonging to Blomberg’s manor. Police would not say whether the body was found there, but only confirms that it was in the search area in Blomberg.Police says not how long the person has been dead or if there was damage to the body, but expects to be able to provide more detailed information at lunchtime on Saturday.

Police report for free times during Saturday morning that it will not give any more details about the case until at least 08:00.