You’re Welcome to Get the Hell Out, Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2019

Jews have still not explained why they demanded that we give them a country in the Middle East, if they were always planning on remaining inside of our countries and running our governments, banks, academia, media and industry.

They are the only race on Earth that is allowed to actively promote themselves as deserving of an ethnically pure racial state. And they claim that they have the right to do this because they were made into lampshades and soap by Adolf Hitler during World War Two – that they have to have a racially pure state because they are a uniquely persecuted people. No one can explain why, but people all across the planet are constantly plotting to exterminate them.

But even though this unique state exists for the uniquely chosen people, they continue to complain that they are having trouble living in Europe.

The Guardian:

The future of Jewish life in Europe is being called into question by rising antisemitism, according to an analysis of global attacks and abuse.

Jews in many countries around the world feel an “increasing sense of emergency”, said Moshe Kantor, the president of the European Jewish Congress, launching the 2018 Kantor Center report on global antisemitism on Wednesday.

The analysis by the organisation, which represents Jewish communities in Europe, found an increase in 2018 in almost all forms of antisemitism, with the number of major violent incidents rising by 13%, from 342 to 387. The highest number of such cases were in the US (100), the UK (68), and France and Germany (35 each).

A separate report published by the US Jewish activist group the Anti-Defamation League on Tuesday, three days after a shooting at a synagogue near San Diego, found that violent attacks against the Jewish community in the US doubled last year.

The ADL recorded 1,879 antisemitic incidents, including harassment, vandalism and physical assault – a 5% decrease on 2017. However, the 59 victims of physical assault – including 11 people killed in a shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh last October – was up from 21 victims the previous year.

Note that of the 1,879 alleged incidents, 1,820 of them did not involve violence.

Also note that the reason that the 2018 numbers are lower than the 2017 numbers is that the latter included 245 prank phone calls from an Israeli Jew. Yes, they did indeed have the nerve to count prank calls by a Jew – clearly staged as a blood libel against white people – in their statistics of anti-Semitic crime.

The report by the Israel-based Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry said antisemitism was being normalised. It was “no longer an issue confined to the activity of the far-left, far-right and radical Islamists triangle – it has mainstreamed and become an integral part of life,” it said.

Anti-Semitism was mainstream in every single country hosting Jews all throughout history, up until the post-war period when Jews infiltrated and took over academia and the media, and started brainwashing people into believing they are great.

In France, the interior ministry recorded 541 acts against Jews in 2018 – an increase of 74% compared with the previous year – according to the report. Eighty-one involved physical violence. In Germany, there was a 70% increase in violent antisemitism.

In the UK, physical assaults were down by 17% to 123, but in total there were 1,652 documented antisemitic incidents – a rise of 16% on 2017.

Speaking in Tel Aviv, Kantor said: “There is an increasing sense of emergency among Jews in many countries around the world. Antisemitism has recently progressed to the point of calling into question the very continuation of Jewish life in Europe.

Why should Jews continue life in Europe?

This seems like a very obvious question, given, again, that they are uniquely in possession of their own racially pure homeland – which is rapidly expanding, especially under the presidency of Donald Trump.

As far as the actual numbers here, there are four main factors to consider:

  1. Jews continually hype up and exaggerate how much people abuse them in order to exploit the altruism and empathy of white people for their own material benefit
  2. Jews often hoax hate crimes against themselves (as mentioned above, even when it is proven to be a hoax, the ADL and other Jewish groups still count it in their statistics; many of the “hate incidents” involve things that are not even crimes, which may or may not be hoaxes)
  3. The number of Moslems in Europe is continually rising, and Moslems tend to dislike Jews
  4. There is indeed a rising awareness of Jewish behavior amongst white people, which is leading to negative feelings toward Jews

Most of the violent incidents tend to be done by Moslems, who will often simply attack Jews on the street if they see them. Jews have tended to downplay this, and pretend as though these attacks are done by whites.

However, in a type of self-fulfilling prophecy, after having waged a war against whites – which includes the blood libel of collectively blaming them for all of these crimes they didn’t commit – whites have now started killing Jews. I don’t really see that phenomenon slowing down any time soon. Just like with Islamic terrorism, it’s a difficult cat to get back into the bag once it is out.

Jews are using goyim newspapers to announce that they may have to leave white countries, as if they want us to all come out and say “oh no Jews, please, we want you to stay.” Such is the feminine nature of the Jew.

But I don’t think that even liberals are ever going to come out and beg the Jews not to leave.

The only people who protest anti-Semitism are the Jews.

Aside from Antifa, which is a crypto-Jewish group (that includes a few goyim trannies and drug-addicts), and Christian Zionists, which is a group of low-grade moron goyim, I’m not aware of a single non-Jewish group that actively encourages Jews to live in Western countries.

“Please don’t leave us, Jews!” is simply not a rallying cry you’re going to hear on either the left or right, outside of Antifa/Christian Zionist circles.

Jews have a nice big (and getting bigger) racially pure country they can go live in, and it seems like it would be better for all parties if they just went there.