Stuff Black People Don’t Like
February 28, 2016
There’s no going back, folks.
It’s started.
The signs are all around us.
“Trump”: The most powerful, offensive statement one can make in defense of their heritage
White high school students in Iowa chanted “Trump” at a rival, majority non-white (heavily children of illegal aliens) school, and the news of this incident means exactly one thing: just as in Braveheart, William Wallace fought for freedom for his people (famously refusing to submit to the English crown and yelling “freedom”), the very name of Donald Trump is now a rallying cry for something once implicit, but increasingly becoming explicit.
[Students meet to discuss ‘Trump’ chants made during game, KCCI Des Moines, 2-25-16]:Student leaders from Dallas Center-Grimes Schools met with students from Perry Thursday to discuss “Trump” chants made during a Monday night basketball game.
Dallas Center-Grimes student body co-president Austin Kloewer was in the stands Monday night.
“There’s that feeling inside that this is wrong, but at the same time you don’t think of the big context, the feelings of the other side,” said Kloewer.
Sonya Harwood, a senior at Dallas Center-Grimes, said she was not proud of her school’s public image after seeing KCCI’s story Tuesday.
“I knew as soon as we saw it, we had to fix this,” said Harwood. “This was wrong.”
Harwood, along with other student leaders, organized a meeting with athletic leaders from Perry High School Thursday morning.
“They didn’t want to make excuses. Our kids did not want to go to Perry today and defend themselves,” said Scott Blum, dean of students at Dallas Center-Grimes. “They wanted to say ‘we were wrong and we’re going to get better because of it.’’
Harwood said her composition teacher threw out the day’s lesson plan, opting instead to discuss the incident.
“How we can come together as a community and support one another and love each other no matter what our skin color is – that’s the important part and that’s what really needs to be learned here,” said Harwood.
DCG students reportedly used a derogatory basketball chant during Monday night’s basketball game against Perry.
Students at Perry said the opposing student section tapped into the presidential candidate Donald Trump’s controversial stance on immigration to intimidate the Perry High School team. Dallas Center-Grimes students appeared to chant “Trump” repeatedly in the second half of the game.
Nearly half of the student population at Perry High School are minorities, many Hispanic.
Dallas Center-Grimes school officials said they ended the chant quickly and addressed the issue.
Students and staff members at Dallas Center Grimes attended Perry High School’s district championship basketball game Thursday to show their support.
So now the very word “Trump” is deemed a derogatory chant by the media and public school officials?
“Mercy,” they want us to yell, rolling over, accepting amnesty for illegal immigrants and for our dispossession to be complete.
Fat, feckless “conservatives” entirely wedded to the system of Black-Run America (if you don’t rock the boat too much, you can pretend to be opposition and have a job as a pundit) start their #NeverTrump Twitter campaign.
And yet, throughout the nation, the very name of “Trump” is now synonymous with freedom.
Freedom from the tyranny of the other.
Freedom from the submerging of America into a colony of the 3rd world.
“Trump” is now the embodiment of the most precious freedom imaginable: freedom of association, which literally means the freedom to discriminate.
It’s started.
The signs are all around us.
The earth will literally shake the moment white people explicitly state what they implicitly know to be true: with one word, the chains fall off.
As as these invisible chains fall to the world, tiny tremors are felt.