YUGE Hitler Art Installation in Berlin

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 1, 2016

I’ve said for a long time that Jews have created widespread nihilism, removed the concept of anything being sacred, and that this situation has led to a situation ripe for the rise of fascism.

Case-in-point: a massive picture of Hitler on a building in Berlin is now anti-Hitler art.


A controversial art installation in Berlin has seen Adolf Hitler’s face light up a building in the center of the capital. One German motorist was so shocked at seeing the display, which is part of a month-long light festival, that he called the police.

Hitler was one of a dozen famous faces who were picked to be part of an art project by light designer Andreas Boehlke for his “Berlin Leuchtet” (Berlin shines) festival, which is running for a month in the capital.

His face can be seen illuminating a building on Leipziger Platz, while a series of Nazi flags, with the Swastika blacked out, are visible in the background. The former head of the Nazi party does not say anything, while rolling his eyes.

The display took place just a few hundred meters from the bunker where Hitler committed suicide with the Nazis facing defeat to the allies in 1945.

The face of infamous Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels is also visible on the building, as he can be heard shouting, “Do you want total war?”

Not everyone was aware that the images were part of an art installation, with one enraged motorist calling the police after seeing the display.

Displays of Nazi imagery that glorify the Third Reich are forbidden in Germany, but police explained that the installation which depicted Hitler and Goebbels was granted an exception as artistic work.

“There is a clear historical context as part of a performance art,” said the police spokesperson.

Meanwhile, Boehlke defended his artwork, saying he does not “make Nazi propaganda” and that the display of the faces should serve as a warning.

“Nothing is glossed over. It is a clear warning to all,” Boehlke said in a statement. “This must never happen again. We inspire people to deal with history. We do not make Nazi propaganda.”



The Jews should have thought this through a little bit better.

They have made the alleged Holocaust and alleged crimes of Adolf Hitler the only thing which has religious status in modern society. And the nihilism is going to eat that as well.

We are getting very close to the point where you could literally build a gas chamber and start gassing Jews and say you are doing it as social commentary on how it is bad to gas Jews.

We Hold All the Cards Here

The right-wing is saying that some things are sacred, and human beings have an intrinsic desire to believe in the concept that life has meaning.

As such, in this nihilistic age, we hold all the cards. We are offering something.

Their last stand on offing some kind of meaning to the people was this “come together as one world” mushy nonsense, and that is getting lost in the “none of this matter” vacuum as it turns out that when you come together as one world you end up in a third-world Islamic hell.

So the idea that people matter, that we have an identity and a history and an opportunity for a glorious future is extremely appealing.

Through their hubris, the Jews have made the grounds fertile for the rise of Fascism.
