Yuge Pharaoh Ramses II Statue Discovered Under Cairo Slum

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 11, 2017

A massive statue of an Egyptian pharaoh – buried under a Cairo slum – has been dug up.

What does it tell you that the people who live in Egypt now are building stinking slums over the monumental world wonders of the people who lived in Egypt thousands of years ago?

Well, it tells you that they’re different people.

This statue was a marvel of technology in the age it was made. If the people who built this statue were alive today, they would be building space ships.

This is what happens when you breed with the blacks.

National Geographic:

Archaeologists from Egypt and Germany have discovered the remains of an ancient Egyptian statue they believe could depict one of history’s most famous rulers.

The likeness of what may be Pharaoh Ramses II was found submerged in groundwater in a Cairo slum.

“We found the bust of the statue and the lower part of the head and now we removed the head and we found the crown and the right ear and a fragment of the right eye,” Khaled al-Anani, Egypt’s antiquities minister, told Reuters.

The 26-foot statue is made of quartzite and could be up to 3,000 years old. The Antiquities Ministry in Egypt is hailing the discovery as significant. The remains lack an inscription bearing the pharaoh’s name, but the discovery’s proximity to a temple devoted to Ramses suggest the statue is of his likeness, the ministry says.

A limestone statue of Pharaoh Seti II, the grandson of Ramses II, was also found at the site.

The discovery was made by a joint effort between Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities and researchers from the University of Leipzig. A rising water table, industrial waste, and piling rubble have made excavation of the ancient site difficult.

Funnily enough, Ramses II was the Pharaoh who is alleged to have ran the Jews out of Egypt after a series of dirty tricks against him by that particular race.

The Jews also claim that he gassed six million of them in homicidal fake shower rooms.

Will Jews protest this statue?

It seems it is only right that they do.

After all, “Never Again” has to mean something.