Zelensky Finally Reveals “Victory Plan”: NATO Membership in Exchange for Natural Resources

Will, this is a strange one.

The Ukraine has already auctioned off virtually all of their natural resources as part of their war-funding effort. Before the war, they were already the single poorest country in Europe, and possibly the poorest non-black country in the world. They don’t have a lot to offer, other than blood.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy unveiled his much anticipated “victory plan” on Wednesday, calling on his allies to take urgent steps to bolster Kyiv at a precarious moment, in a bid to end the war with Russia next year.

As Moscow’s forces advance in the east and a bleak winter of power cuts looms, he told parliament his plan contained five main points that were in the hands of his allies, including an unconditional invite to join NATO now and weapons support.

In return, he offered a Western role in developing Ukraine’s natural mineral resources and said Ukrainian troops could enhance the security of NATO and replace some of the U.S. forces in Europe.

“Together with our partners, we must change the circumstances so that the war ends. Regardless of what Putin wants. We must all change the circumstances so that Russia is forced to peace,” he told lawmakers and top officials.

Zelenskiy, who has unrelentingly called for a “fair” end to the war, says his plan is needed to force the Kremlin to negotiate in good faith, though he appeared to acknowledge in his speech that some allies see the war’s end game differently.

“We hear the word ‘negotiations’ from partners and the word ‘justice’ much less often. Ukraine is open to diplomacy, but honest (diplomacy),” he said.

His plan proposed establishing a “comprehensive non-nuclear strategic deterrence package” inside Ukraine to protect against threats from Russia and to destroy its military power. He did not elaborate, but said there was an additional secret addendum that he could not disclose.

He was only willing to reveal the plan to officials under the cone of silence.

The plan, he added, also envisaged a Western role investing in and jointly protecting Ukraine’s natural mineral resources from Russian attacks as well as post-war reconstruction pledges. Presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak, speaking later in the day, said the secret addendum covered details of weapons and deployments Kyiv needed.

NATO has said Ukraine is heading for membership but has stopped short of issuing an invitation. The alliance’s new chief, Mark Rutte, said the plan was a strong signal, but that he was not able to support it as a whole as things stand.

The Kremlin said it was too early to comment in detail, but that Kyiv needed to “sober up” and realise the futility of the policies it was pursuing.

Most of the Ukraine is never getting rebuilt. Whatever does get rebuilt is going to cost trillions of dollars, regardless, or people won’t even be able to live there.

You’ve all seen the photos. Because the NATO plan was to use cities as the main fighting areas for the war, everything is completely destroyed.

Who knows what the depleted uranium rounds and cluster bombs are going to do to the farming industry in the country.

This is a monumental amount of money.

The Ukraine might have mineral resources underground, but in order to dig those out, you would have to repair the infrastructure and bring people in to do the work. It’s possible, but it’s going to happen regardless of whether they join NATO or not.

The Ukraine is a hooker nation, because they are dim people who will sell whatever they have. If the West doesn’t already have guarantees to transfer all the natural resources, they will get them easily in the future.

He’d have been better off saying “ve vill sent owar naten’s hookers to pleesure yoar naten’s inceals.”

Alas, he’s already done that.