Zimbabwe: New President Nearly Blown Up in Bomb Attack

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 24, 2018

This is just business as usual in Africa.

Barely makes international news.

Of course, this will all get sorted out if we send more money to them. Or maybe just let their entire population enter Italy Spain.


Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has survived an apparent bomb attack at a rally in the city of Bulawayo.

Mr Mnangagwa said an object “exploded a few inches away from me – but it is not my time”.

Video footage from White City Stadium shows an explosion happening close to Mr Mnangagwa as he leaves the stage after addressing supporters.

Health Minister David Parirenyatwa said 15 people were injured, three of them seriously.

The exact number of people hurt by the blast remains unclear – and reports suggest it may be significantly higher.

The president was in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second city and an opposition stronghold, to campaign for his Zanu-PF party ahead of nationwide elections taking place on 30 July.

He is favourite to win the poll, but analysts say he also has enemies – both for overthrowing his former mentor, Robert Mugabe, and for being a previous enforcer of the Mugabe regime.

Yeah, he’s got hate from both sides.

If he could have gotten Mugabe to step down peacefully, he’d have been okay.

He should have just chilled for a minute.

Now he’s almost certain to get assassinated by someone or other. He hasn’t even been officially elected yet and he’s already got bombs going off at his rallies.

What a shithole country.