May 26, 2015

23.5.2015 a group of Finnish National Socialists went to the city of Kouvola to distribute an anti-Zionist and Jew-wise magazine called Magneettimedia.
A major religious event organized by the church took place at the same time in the same place. Many of the passers-by were interested in the magazine and its anti-immigration articles. Some even wanted to know more about the Jewish supremacy that prevails in today’s world.

However, many organizers of the religious event were fanatical Zionists that want to suppress all news on Jewish crime. The Zionist organizers called the police because of our magazines. The police didn’t arrive, so the Zionist order supervision personnell (AKA ‘fake cops’) got aggressive.
A brief brawl took place and one of the activists was detained by the ‘fake cops’. Once the real police finally arrived, the activist was let go. Direct talk about Jewish supremacy should not be a crime. Never bend to the Zionist pressure!