Zionist President Says Britain Needs Her Own Anti-Defamation League

Daily Stormer
April 5, 2014

This Jew was actually voted into Parliament twice, under the pretence that he would be representing the British people’s interests.

Most people listen out for criticism of themselves so that they can respond to that criticism with a reasoned argument. Some corporations actively seek out criticism, so that they can improve their product, or their selling technique.

The Jews have to be the only people in the world who instead of answering the criticism or modifying their behavior to avoid it, automatically assume that it must be completely unfounded prejudice. The President of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain, former Labour MP Professor Eric Moonman wants to see an ADL formed in Britain to monitor criticism of the Jews and ‘hammer home the anti-prejudice message.’ Presumably he intends to do this in the same way the ADL has, by ruining the lives and careers of all those who dare speak up for their own interests.

Now he is the President of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. There was me thinking it was a United Kingdom, when all along it was a Zionist Federation.

From the JC:

The 101-year-old ADL challenges anti-Jewish bigotry in the United States and has become one of that country’s leading human rights organisations.Professor Moonman said a replica group could be used to provide a rapid “intellectual reaction” and response to attacks.

The Zionist Federation president floated his idea in a session at the Liverpool Limmud conference, and said he had received a positive response.

He said: “Our critics and enemies have, in various ways through the boycott of Israel and media prejudice, made Israel the main thrust of their actions.

“We for our part should not be deceived, as it is not just Israel but Jews who are in their sights. We need to deal with this sooner rather than later.”

The Community Security Trust currently monitors antisemitism in Britain. Prof Moonman said he respected the work of “existing organisations”, but felt adopting an approach similar to that of the ADL would provide an opportunity to “hammer home” the anti-prejudice message.

Prof Moonman said British Jewry was “too concerned about internal problems and issues” such as the possibility of a Board of Deputies merger with the Jewish Leadership Council, and did not focus enough on tackling external attacks on Jews.

Whether you like it or not.