Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 17, 2014

A new report from the Congressional Research Service claims that the population of foreign-born invaders may increase by up to 27.4 million by 2022.
The report also noted that the 40.8 million foreigners living in our country in 2012 was a 321% increase over the amount of foreign-born persons occupying the US in 1970. What they fail to mention explicitly is that in 1970, the vast majority of the foreign-born persons in the US were born in Europe, rather than Latin America, Africa or Asia.
According to the report, the foreign-born population will be at nearly 58.7 million in 2022 if it rises at the same rate it has in the last four decades. Clearly, the amount of these people coming in is increasing exponentially, so that is certainly a low-ball estimate.The report noted that if the Senate’s 2013 “Gang of Eight” conspiracy plot headed up by Jew Schumer and Wetback Rubio were to go through, the number would rise to 68.3 million. However, even without the Jew-Wetback plot, these people are pouring in unabated. The numbers aren’t really effected by any laws, because all immigration laws are being disregarded by the Federal ZOG – the laws relate more to whether or not these invasive aliens will be able to vote (note: the Schumer-Rubio scheme would probably increase the number of non-Latin immigrants, though they are getting in already through other manipulation plots).
This report was released after another report which claims an illegal alien comes into the country every 40 seconds.
The enrichment is just getting started.