Zuck Writes Scathing Letter to Congress Complaining About Joe Biden Demanding Mass Censorship on Facebook

Previously: Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Blames “The Establishment” (Jews) for Censorship! (June 11, 2023)

Say what you want about Zuck. I’m sure he’s using all of your data in diabolical ways, to fuel his infernal machines. Or whatever. But he’s always been anti-censorship.

I was writing in 2014 that Zuck was refusing former ADL head Abe Foxman’s demands that he stop Holocaust denial on Facebook. He went as hard as he could fighting against censorship, until he was forced to by the ADL manipulating advertisers and the federal government threatening him.

He seems mad about the federal government threatening him and directly interfering with his business. He’s talked about this several times already.

New York Post:

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted Monday that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor COVID-19 content and acknowledged it was wrong to stifle The Post’s coverage of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop.

In an explosive letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Zuckerberg wrote that “senior Biden administration officials, including the White House, repeatedly pressured” Meta to “censor” content related to the coronavirus pandemic in 2021.

The content the Biden administration requested that Meta take down included “humor and satire,” according to the Facebook founder, and he said he regrets complying with certain demands.

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” he wrote. “I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.”

Zuckerberg, 40, vowed that things will be different in future should the government make similar requests.

It probably won’t be much different, because the government has the ability to do anything they want to Zuckerberg’s companies.

But it’s pretty notable that he is going out there and saying this at all. The Democrat Party has really pissed off Silicon Valley. I’m sure Zuck’s reasons for not wanting to censor are not principled (he is Jewish, after all). But whatever the reasons are – probably, he just doesn’t care and doesn’t want to shrink his userbase – he is mad that these people are meddling in his business.

He’s not being as aggressive as Elon in denouncing the Democrats, but he did refuse to endorse the Democrats this year. As far as we can tell, everyone in Silicon Valley is sick of being told what to do by these people.

They are probably all doing whatever they can to rig the election for Trump. I would think they would be doing that. But who knows what they can actually do. After the election, if it is rigged for Kamala, they can allow people to talk about the fact it was rigged, but then they would probably be worried about a crackdown if they are unable to get voter audits or whatever.

We shall see soon enough. There are only 9 days until the election*.

*This is a joke about when I mistyped the number of days until the election last week. I don’t really know what happened there, other than burnout. I did the math in my head, then I got interrupted and then when I came back I typed the wrong number. I fixed it quickly, but the article was reposted various places, including on Unz.com, before I was able to correct it. Anyway, to be clear: there are actually 17 days until the election.Â